
Faloo's Illegal

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The book Illegal, may be a fiction story, but contains many real-life examples of true and famous conflicts taken place in the world. While one of the many conflicts in the country of Zantoroland where Keita runs from, the biggest issues is the race divide between the Faloo and Kano people. The minority, the Faloo are given more powerful jobs, and higher education. While the Kano, are very poor and live in bad conditions unlike the Faloo, yet are the majority. The kano believe they deserve more power and that Faloo’s are an abomination in their country and don’t deserve what they have. This ethnic conflict very much resembles the 1994 Rwandan genocide in which the Faloo’s represent the Tutsi and the Hutus the Kano. Due to Hutu’s resembling more strong “African features” such as big noses and normal height, British rulers in charge of Rwanda, favored the Tutsi’s more as they are tall, skinny and look more European in comparison. Tutsis were given better jobs and standard of life while they were the minority, enraging the Hutu population, who was less educated in broader terms and wanted their country to be theirs’s. The long ethic divide lead to Hutus murdering their …show more content…

She speaks of the countries conflicts after the character talks about his happy, normal family which reflects what we learnt about a one side story that often is expected in African literature. Kieta’s life growing up and home life are shown as the best times of his life, even thought he was neither rich or poor, he was happy. This is a very different angle used by authors to describe a potential genocide, and war. He shows a relatively mundane family, everyone can relate the novel, not just Kieta’s in. She also speaks about the world more than I’ve ever seen in a fiction book. Every main conflict and incident is heavily detailed reflecting real-world

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