
The Importance Of The Media

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In today's society everything that you can possibly imagine is based around the media and what it portrays. The media practically can control anything and everything that ever goes on around the world. The media is distributed multiple different ways, from magazines to television. I feel like the most influential type of media distribution is the newspaper, because whatever stories are distributed by them are what stories are the most followed. Newspapers are distributed to everyone that lives in a typical urban city, and these newspapers are filled with information that people read everyday. A large amount of stories can be greatly influenced by whoever is publishing the stories, because the media is full of bias. This bias that absorbs …show more content…

There is also the people that believe they are disrespecting the flag and the people in the United States military, and they should be forced to stand up. In my opinion I believe that these players are just expressing the rights that the US Constitution gives them, and if they are forced to stand then they are going to have to give up these rights. The President has not treated this situation in a proper manner, because this protest has been going on for about two years and he brought it up randomly just to spark some type of controversy. In an interview Donald Trump called the NFL players that are taking a knee “sons of b*tches”, which isn't how the president should be treating the citizens that live in his country. I feel that President Trump shouldn't be so focused on this little topic when there are bigger things that he should be worried about like North Korea is trying to start a nuclear war. Topics like these are being reported by news sources across the nation, so they are being interpreted in different lights. The newspapers will stray public opinion day to day because of the different things that they believe and that has been happening ever since these protest were brought back to light when the president decided to make a bonehead decision to make himself look like a idiot that hates his country and the people that live in it just because they are expressing their rights that they deserve to have. The

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