
The Importance Of Mass Media

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Everyone’s comprehension is different and unique. When a person receives a message from mass media, he tells the message which is from mass media to another person. These two people understand what does this message means; however, they may have different comprehension of this message. People can think about each message and analyze a message in different way because they have their own idea. For example, when people do a survey for a film, some people may think this film is very good; some people may think it is not very good, and the other people may think it is a bad film. Hence, people can give their different or same common in the same survey. People cannot judge their idea is right or wrong. In reality, people have different idea because they may be influenced by how the mass media illustrated, or how another people tell them about this message. At the same time, mass media cannot have much power to influence people because mass media may be wrong and aberrant. People cannot rely on mass media. If the message of mass media is wrong, this message perverts their mind. People make rational judgement and think problems during receiving message from mass media.
I totally agree with Eco. Mass media play an important role in society; however, mass media cannot totally control people mind because mass media may have some wrong messages. Nowadays, for the interactive of internet, various kinds of message appear in the network. People often receive message through the internet

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