
The Importance Of Technology In Education

Decent Essays

Students relay on technology a lot. Since technology has improved the education in many different ways, they stopped thinking and using technology instead. There is a lot of online recourses that helps the students understand the concepts better, but they take it as they cannot study without. For example, they use calculators instead of doing the math in their head. Furthermore, it makes them think-less and limited. It contributes in increasing the plagiarism homework. Also, when it comes to reading, some students have applications or websites that read for them while they are relaxing. It would make them sort of not improving their vocabularies and forgot what they have learnt in short way. Also, it could be a main distraction way for …show more content…

Simply, they make people as an object for them to make profit. In addition, there are some companies that transfer their data and deals with each other from across the world when they wanted to import or export goods or others. Also, these data will help them to figure what are the customer's interests, so it will help them to produce the right needs of the people. On the other hand, it could help some people to fraud or steal some data or anything else, so it depends on how the person and the company use the technology.

Life is based on communication between self-first than others. Communicate to people about daily bases or any topic. Nowadays, technology became the cause of failure of a lot of people because of communication. It has been created for relatives who live far away from each other. These generations try to communicate with people who are never met and talking to them. Then they could cause problem for each other. Also, it contributes of making them distracted, staying up all night, regression at school, and other problems. Furthermore, they might tease others which is totally inappropriate. Technology creates the social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, and others to help people be connected from all over the world. Moreover, people will not feel lonely when they are in a different country and wanted to communicate However, some people do

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