
The Importance Of Stereotypes In Sports

Decent Essays

Today we face a pandemic tearing the very fabric our country stands for. As some of you may know, some famous sports athletes are refusing to stand for the national anthem. Some of you may not know the reason but I’m here to tell you that the reason of this protest has ALWAYS been about race. Period. Colin Kapernick, former Quarterback of the San Francisco 49ers, is best known not for his actions on the field, but what he has done on the side lines. During the national anthem he refused to stand and instead took a knee. This inevitably caused a media uproar, some people calling him unpatriotic and disrespectful. He shook the nation to its core when asked for his motives, he said in an after school press conference “I am not going to stand up …show more content…

They are standing up for the social injustice that people who look like me and you have to face. 150 years after slavery, 50 years after the civil rights movement we are still treated like second class citizens. This is the reason why they kneel. We want to be able to walk down the street at night without being shot by law enforcement armed with a bag of skittles and a drink, we want to be able to treated as equal citizens in a country that advocates equality and brotherhood, not as criminals or gang bangers. Instead of condemning the ones who choose to oppose oppression we need to look at the problem and address it. We need to rally around the ones who want what’s best for the country and the people in it, not the ones who just wants to see people being deemed inferior and second rate. We are a country that believes that all men were created equal and that no man is greater than the other, therefore we must honor the memory of those who came and established upon this continent the ideology of liberty, unity, equality, and

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