
The Importance Of Speeding

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Driving is a very hard thing to master. There are so many moving parts, and rules that you must follow. If the rules are not followed it could end up in serious injury and having to pay lots of money to fix damages. Speeding and stopping at red lights were two things that I had trouble with when I was younger. When you get in trouble for these things, you learn from them pretty quick.
Growing up in Iowa, I started to drive at the age of 15. At 15, drivers are required to have a person 21 years of age or older in the car with them. This preliminary license is called your drivers permit. Eventually you graduate to a restricted license at 16, and then at 18 your full license is awarded. It is very important that you have no infractions until you are 16 because it could mean suspension …show more content…

When my parents were not there to tell me to go 25 in a residential area, or 65 on the highway, I didn't. Speeding is speeding, but I never went extremely high over the speed limit because I was still so scared that I would get pulled over. My parents did a good job when it came to scaring me about speeding. They always told me that I would have to pay the tickets if I were to get one and that I would also have to pay for the additional car insurance that they assured me would go up in price. My only incident with speeding was last November. Our hockey team had just gotten back from a road trip to Duluth. We arrived at the rink at about 2:30 in the morning and everyone was very tired. I was very tired myself and started my drive home at about 2:45. Since I was so exhausted, I was rushing to get home so I could go to bed. I was driving 75 in a 55 and flew right by a cop car. I knew as soon as I passed the cop car I was going to get pulled over. Sure enough, he pulled me over and asked me if I knew why. I told him the truth, and he let me off with just a warning. It’s safe to say that I did not speed the rest of the way

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