Service learning projects are good ways to get involved in your community. They can range from any type of community service or deed. Calumet High School can make a list of hundreds of things to do. I feel that it's best to keep some close to home and then the school can branch out to other communities. Our school should hold clothing drives, soup kitchens, and a clean-up committee. How cool would it be to help your community out?
Not to be funny, but there are lots of homeless and hungry people in our neighborhoods. Many of them don't get a decent meal on a daily basis. If we do a soup kitchen, community leaders, students, and staff can donate can goods and food items to the school. it's even possible to get a government grant for extra money. The location can be at our school and we could hold it on Saturdays.
Another contribution to the Calumet Township area is a clothing drive. People have clothes that they wear and don't wear. Instead of throwing them away, you can donate them to the salvation army or the clothes drive. Kids could have hats, gloves, and coats. Also, there may be a good variety of shoes and other items. Also, others can donate uniforms to students. Uniformity of color is not cheap and many kids could use the drive. The drive could be held every three months at the school. Even if people miss the
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If teachers are worried that the students won't participate, they can offer extra credit points and other freebies. Also, parent involvement would be highly recommended. These projects could help students in many ways. When you apply for colleges, they look to see what your extra-curricular activities involved.A clothing drive, pick-up crew, or soup kitchen worker will all look good on a college application. All of these projects will be inexpensive and not too costly. These projects should be taken into consideration because they could keep going on for
The idea that I am currently working on is recreating the Helping Hampers project mentioned above due to the large impact it has on multiple families. The hampers contain around 3 months of food and cleaning supplies in addition to presents for each family member. This project connects CKI here to a Key Club in Centennial to its feeder junior high schools which is what makes it great. CKI organizes the dates, delivery and boxes, while the collection of items occurs in high school ( I am planning with Centennial High School right now). And then, the hampers are delivered to junior high schools.
My fourth grade class has participated in a service-learning project for the past eight years. Before the Christmas season, we read several books about giving, including a children’s version of “The Gift of the Magi”. Then we discuss how the money that parents send for the students’ Christmas five dollar gift exchange could be used for something else. The children vote whether or not they want to keep the normal gift exchange or donate the money to another cause (every year the students have chosen to donate their gift money to others). Then the students brainstorm organizations or ideas for the money. After the list is narrowed down to five ideas, the children are broken into groups and given one of the organizations to research, and then they write a persuasive report to present to the class. After the students have heard the persuasive reports, a final vote is taken to choose the organization. Next, the students are responsible for writing a letter home to their parents explaining why they have chosen to donate their gift exchange money to the charity or organization. We have sent care packages to overseas soldiers, bought goodie bags for nursing home patients, and sent money to Heifer
My first step of this project was creating flyers that I hung up in the park near my house and passed out to my neighbors. I also texted family and friends to see if they were interested in donating. All advertisement/donations
For my community service, I have been going to Lyndon B. Johnson Head Start Program, or LBJ. At LBJ, it is my responsibility to look after children and clean up after them. The teachers there set up many activities for the kids to work on, most of the time they finger paint. The teachers also set up small field trips. For example, we once went on a field trip to a house that had set up a pumpkin patch and many other activities for the kids. The house we went to wasn’t very far from LBJ. The children had so much fun choosing a pumpkin and playing different games, and I had fun helping them and taking care of them.
In addition, I have many ideas on how to make the Beta Club grow and become more successful. One of which, is a school-wide rummage sale, with items donated by families. This would be good to help fund the Stop Hunger Now event that everyone enjoyed last year. The rummage
Donations to illnesses: we can set up a charity inside the school or perhaps fieldtrips could be helping the homeless.
By doing this, it will not only make for a better community, but it will also provide a sense of unity and enrich the fulfillment of society members within the community. The National Honor Society as a whole can run a monthly food drive, in doing so, non-perishable food items can be gathered and distributed to those in need. In addition to having food drives; other drives can be factored in, such as winter clothing and shoes. There is a multitude of students that attend school and do not have the proper clothing for the season. Before winter begins, a winter coat drive can be held, and the donations can be dispersed among the students who do not own one, as well as others living in the community. As well as implementing food and donation drives, we can also implement a soup kitchen. The soup kitchen can be held within our school, where it is warm and cozy for those who may not have a comfortable home environment. The soup kitchen can be held every week; fundraisers and donations will help finance the soup kitchen, and it will bring a new found appreciation within the community. We will be helping people that are financially incapable of providing for
I later realized that I should try to get some of my friends and classmates involved too. l started out my junior year. One thing our teacher tried to teach us was the acts of random kindness. After practicing random acts of kindness throughout the school, I mentioned the idea of volunteering a couple of hours with the Angel Tree. I also encouraged our school’s Student Council to help. The club adopted two angels. By doing so, this gave the students the desire to want to volunteer again the following year. This year, we had Beta club, student council and two dual credit classes, a total of 40-50 students, volunteer at the warehouse for 2 days. Some even came back during Christmas Break and volunteered at the Distribution Day. Not only is it important to lead and serve others, but one should also encourage those around him or her to serve others as
“Charity benefits the giver more than the receiver”. I think a good charitable organization to support would be the boys and girls club of america. More than half of the kids who join the club says that it saves their lives. If we donate even a little to them we could change their lives even more. It is an important cause because a lot of the kids are the same age as us but has life hard.
By volunteering for community service projects, the youth are rewarded by being able to go on field trips with the center such as, the zoo, water parks, skiing, NBA/WNBA games. By getting rewarded for giving back they are learning that volunteering gives values and shows good leadership.
In tenth grade, my English teacher posed the class with a question: what are you going to do for your community? She emphasized the importance of making a positive impact, even if it meant simply smiling as you hold the door open for someone. She prompted us to go out of our comfort zone and do something for our community. While I had been volunteering at Church and at school, I had never really taken a step out of my comfort zone. Instead of just helping out in, say, a soup kitchen, I decided that it was time
Others give so much to us through volunteer community programs. In fact, a neighborhood could not live as successfully and joyfully without having a community organizations to thank veterans, support children, and care for the elderly. By volunteering at a young age, youth learn the joy
I would like to see a van or a bus donated to allow the seniors to go to the farmers market on Saturday or to the casino one time every six months. I would also like to see the center bring in a small local band for entertainment, or donate a karaoke machine which would also provide additional
There are several ways that you can get your kids involved in volunteer work. You can get them to help out a soup kitchen. You can also volunteer
When students are involved they get the nutrition and food they need along with the skill sets needed to become employed in the future. The help the children organization adds into this by using a donation program through their website. With the donations they purchase mass amounts of food to deliver to churches, senior citizen faculties, woman shelters, recovery programs, and more. Help the children delivers on average 1.7 million pounds of bulk food each month, making that 35 tons each work day.