Although I support many of your ideas, I have to argue that Cordillera Elementary School should not shorten or exclude recess. This has become more common among schools; however, this practice can be harmful to classroom dynamics and recess is needed for better work habits. Kids should have recess for physical, optimal intellectual, and social/emotional success reasons.
First of all, physical activity is needed in order to live healthy lives. According to Video 1, recess is a way to expend energy in a suitable manner. When you are physically active at school, you are more likely to be more physically active at home. Also, overweight, obese, or suffering children need to be physically active to have good health. Advances in brain research have
Recess is becoming a waste of time and there isn’t much time to be wasted! According to Valorie Delp, recess is good for kids because of the rate of obesity of ages ten-fifteen that has tripled over the years. That also tells that even after the years of having recess, that during recess some kids still don’t do any physical activity. Kids could get their exercise through physical educations programs and classes or after school sports. If recess is to work they should provide a teacher
This will impact on a child or young person’s intellectual development as they will be more alert and ready to learn, physical activity is also likely to encourage social and emotional development as schools will provide sports clubs and after school activities, giving children and young people the opportunity to socialise and progress in self-esteem.
Roald Dahl isa world renowned children's author, with books such as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, James and the Giant Peach, and The BFG. However, his short story Lamb to the Slaughter is less popular, but equally a literary masterpiece. The short story is about a housewife Mary’s relationship with her husband, Patrick. He is rude and commanding to her as she attempts to prepare their supper, so she impulsively kills him with the lamb leg she was readying for their meal. Dahl uses emotions, irony, and characterization as narrative elements to create tension between characters in his short story Lamb to the Slaughter.
Physical activity also has benefits for children's social and emotional development and cognitive development. These benefits include being part of a team and making friends through group sports, which have a major impact on social and emotional development. The effect of obesity on children is closely linked to many bad health habits such as diet, smoking and drug use which in turn can affect a child's academic performance (Goran et al., 1999). Physical activity, if encouraged at a young age, can reduce the likelihood of children developing these behaviours and focus on their academic performance and cognitive development. As children in this age range are in their fundamental development stage, it is important that educators and parents alike, teach children about the importance of physical activity at a young age in order to prevent health and social well-being problems in their adult years.
Physical activity is an integral part of health and well being in children.Our bodies also require physical activity in order to be healthy.Understanding and supporting physical activity, will help children have the right foundation for a healthy and happy life.Positive experiences with physical activity at a young age promotes the growth if strong bones and muscles, help to develop good posture and balance, obesity risk and chronic disease risk infection are reduced.
Schools in Orange county Florida have began to reduce or cancel recess all together so that students can spend more time in the classroom. But they are not alone administrators across the US are making similar changes. “In a nation of increasingly obese kids, getting rid of recess makes no sense.” (Caplan & Igel, 2015, para. 1) The reason behind all of removing kids from there minutes of free time and adding class time is due to common core examinations. There was not enough time in the day for teachers to be able to teach what the students needed in order to pass the test while still allowing their recess time.
Recently, as kids get older, kids have less time to enjoy and get to play outside. It’s because of the ideas of parents or education administers who want their children to learn more and experience more at school. For instance, some parents want their child to learn high school math, even-though, their children may not in high school. However, interestingly, many researches have showed that having recess gives a lot of benefit to the student.
No Child Left Behind has created a multitude of emotions and high stress situations throughout schools nationwide. Getting students to perform well on standardized tests seems to be the goal at whatever cost it takes to get there. Administrators have turned to slashing teacher prep time and much needed breaks as well as taking away physical activity from those that need it most, our young students. This writing will look at why recess is being taken away and the many benefits children get from recess. Information will be presented about the different benefits children get from recess and connections will be made as to how that may benefit them in future years.
If students have more of a variety to pick from in school then they will be more healthy and active. On project it states “if kids play sports they will have healthier bones,muscles and joints helping control weight and reduce
Kids need recess because when they are sitting down working for so long get tired and will wanna fall asleep.So that's also why i think kids should have recess and if they are
The time is 12:30. The middle schoolers and high schoolers are watching the elementary students in envy on the playground, wishing they could have recess. They have had no chance to talk with friends, be creative, or just have fun outside. Every student needs a chance to do these things, not just elementary students. Middle and high school students should have recess despite all evidence to the contrary.
In this paper, I intend to describe the inner working of the household in Greek civilization on three levels: family, city, and cosmos of gods. To achieve this goal, we will look into Bacchae by Euripides, and Oresteia by Aeschylus. Bacchae shows the workings of the house of Cadmus, a royal family, whose actions directly affect their city. This family tree includes a god, and is strongly affected by the will of the cosmos, through Dionysus. Oresteia is a play of three parts. We see the families dysfunctional interactions, and how they impact the city over time. We also see how the gods have an influence on these characters lives throughout the events that happen. Overall these interactions lead to the undermining of Greek civilization through death and destruction.
Alter, A. (2017, January 27). Uneasy About the Future, Readers Turn to Dystopian Classics. New York Times.
Physical activity has not only physical benefits. It also has a very big impact on social-emotional and cognitive aspects of child’s live. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention “The development of a physically active lifestyle is a goal for all children. Traditional team and competitive sports may promote healthy activity for selected youth. Individual sports, noncompetitive sports, lifetime sports, and recreational activities expand the opportunity for activity to everyone. The opportunity to be active on a regular basis, as well as the enjoyment and competence gained from activity, may increase the chances that a physically active lifestyle will be adopted.”
Another unfortunate hindrance to physical activity in schools is the notion that physical activity takes away from time that could be used for academic studies. This is unjustified however, because children of this age group are unable to sit and concentrate for long periods of time without being able to get up and move (McDevitt & Ormrod, 2010).