
The Importance Of Our Thoughts

Decent Essays

Our thoughts also are too numerous to count sometimes. Have you ever had an opportunity or a time when you may have been sitting idle and your mind just started racing from one thing to the next? Nothing was conclusive. You just kept going from one thing to the next. You were being bombarded with all of these different thoughts and you could not concentrate on anything. Understand this; the only thing that the enemy is trying to do to you and I is to bring you to a place of confusion. He wants you to be confused. He wants you to be so confused that you can’t discern whether it’s you are talking, the devil talking, or God talking. That’s how confused he wants you to be. He wants you to get to a place where he is saying some stuff that …show more content…

It looks like a nice place.” The Lord says, “No problem! If Hell’s what you want, you got it.” The man gets back on the elevator and returns to Hell. When he steps off the elevator, he’s surrounded by fire and brimstone. People are screaming and hollering as the intense heat scorches them. The man says, “Now wait a minute. What happened? Yesterday when I came down here, y’all were drinking mint juleps and playing golf and all that kind of stuff!” Then the devil walks up to him and says, “Yesterday we were recruiting!” So, what I’m trying to show you, men, is that the enemy is trying to make us think that his way is better. You know what I’m saying? He wants you to think his way will give us some great advantage or benefit or profit. But I guarantee you that his way is the way of destruction. His way is the way of death. And it’s an eternal death. Because the thing is that you will end up living in Hell right here on Earth, and then dying and going to Hell. Are you still with me? Let me give you an example. Your thoughts don’t introduce themselves by saying where they originated. Thoughts just come like fiery darts. Have you ever been in a place where you’re just sitting and thinking, and some stuff jumps up in your head? And you think “where did that come from?” Right? “I shouldn’t be thinking this stuff! My God!” That’s why you have to remember that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal. You’ve got to fight that spiritually. Sometimes, men, when we

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