
The Importance Of Nonverbal Communication

Decent Essays

4.3 DO (PDSA) The most cited aspect of assessment that nurses found challenging was pain assessment. Nurses who relied solely on verbal communication described feelings of inadequacy, ’We don’t know what they want’ (Brorson et al., 2012, p.318). Clarke et al., (2014), found that only 1/7th of nurses interviewed used pain assessment tools in practice, despite considering themselves competent at assessing pain. However, Lawrence et al., 2011 found that nurses should be adept at using nonverbal communication clues such as facial expressions, movements and changes in the individual when assessing pain. It is widely discussed that behaviors that challenge in dementia are a form of communication, not only resulting from pain, but a variety of unmet needs (Cohen- Mansfield, 2001 and Algase et al., 1996). Guidance suggests that medication to reduce behavior that challenged should be given only in exceptional circumstances, reviewed on a regular basis and most importantly, individualised care plans are devised to support the person’s needs (NICE, 2010). The evidence base for person- centred approach in dementia care is expanding and nurses are central to leading and developing changes in practice (Hoe and Thompson, 2010). However, nurses may find this difficult when managing staff shortages and task focused aspects of care which impinge on delivering care (Argyle, 2012). Mcormack, Dewing and McCance (2011), suggested that, nurses can significantly account for

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