
Rent Essay

Decent Essays

Waking up the next morning knowing rent is knocking on your door is a critical moment. Growing up in New York City, one of the most expensive places to live in, especially with only one parent working is a scramble. It was an experience living for despite the struggles my family and I endeavored throughout our lifetime in the city. Driver's licenses were exchanged for metro cards, squirrels were replaced with pizza-carrying subway rats and many of my school trips consisted of seeing Broadway shows, rather than visiting museums. My mother and father are immigrants who have come from another country, Bangladesh. It was a struggle for them to adapt to the city about more than a decade ago which was when they arrived here. That was the time when rent and prices weren't as high as it is now in the present. Being one of the three children of two immigrant parents, life wasn't impartially facile. To live in New York City, my parents had to work diligently and have more concerns rather than enjoying life out in the alluring city. It wasn't soon until great news came. As a child, I optically canvassed my parents struggle to build a life for our family in America. Like so many immigrants, they experience inauspicious commencements. My father eventually secured a position working at a gift shop store in Manhattan which was enough to pay the rent, bills, etc. However, it wasn't enough for your own necessary needs such as clothing and food. Throughout my 16 years of

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