
The Importance Of Immigrants

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Each and every day, immigrants leave their countries and come to the United States to have better lives. Sometimes they are escaping problems such as natural disasters, religious persecution, and civil war. In most cases, when they come here they are welcomed with open arms. Immigrants are given the opportunity to start a new life away from the suffering that they had been experiencing. However, some of those who come here have ulterior motives that they may follow by exploiting our generosity. These people may be extremists, terrorists, criminals, etc. Those with these malicious backgrounds and intentions must be prevented from entering our country and causing mayhem. For these reasons, I do believe that we should have restrictions on who can immigrate to the United States. Allowing certain people from other countries into the United States puts the whole country in danger. We cannot always be entirely sure that who we are allowing into the country does not present a threat to our national security. Although not all immigrants are dangerous and want to harm us, we still need to be cautious. Overall, there are too many risks involved with allowing certain people in the U.S. that may harbor hate for us. Hate toward a specific country or people is usually held by potential terrorists. Terrorists use unlawful acts of violence and intimidation against civilians in the pursuit of political aims. These are the people who may harbor hate for American citizens and no longer need

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