
The Importance Of Barney Northrup In The Westing Game

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Have you ever heard of someone with 5 identities and a networth of 200 million dollars? Barney Northrup is one of the most important characters and very foundational to the story in The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin. First of all he sold all the apartments in sunset towers, he is Sam Westing, Windy Windkloppel, Sandy Mcsouthers, and Julian R. Eastman, and he founded the Westing game. This mystery novel would not come together without the mysterious Barney Northrup.

Barney Northrup plays one of the most important parts of the novel because he sold everyone apartments in sunset towers. This factor of the story is very important because without the apartments and restaurants the heirs would have nowhere to stay. For example on page 4 of The Westing

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