
The Importance Of An Effective Social Work

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In order to be an effective social worker, one must have gut instincts. Trusting

one’s gut instincts is a powerful tool because it can warn of impending danger. Too

many times, people second-guess themselves and do not heed signs that a problem is

looming. This was the case for me early in my professional social work career, and it is

an innate thinking and behavior pattern that would be beneficial for new social workers

to recognize and cultivate. While working at a Family Service agency on telephone

intake, I received a call from a woman in crisis, her situation was unique to me, and I

learned from it. The woman on the other end of the line was in distress. She had an Asian accent,

which was a little difficult for me to understand, since she was crying. I asked her to

slow down as she explained her trouble and it was soon apparent as to why she was

alarmed. She and her husband had had an argument, and he was in their home with

their two young children. He had locked her out of their house with a gun, threatening

that he might use it to kill himself and them. My heart began beating faster as she

elaborated because I was especially concerned about the safety and security of their

children. I asked the woman if she had called the police, and she said no. My gut

instinct told me to remain calm and I suggested that she call the authorities, and would

call her back. My supervisor was out of the office at a workshop and not expected back

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