
The Impact Of The Great Barrier Reef

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Crikey! What an amazing sight! Known as one of the world’s natural seven wonders “lives” the Great Barrier Reef. Extending like a pulled piece of taffy along the Eastern coastline of Australia, this reef, discerned as the largest biotic structure on the planet. In short, the Great Barrier Reef’s biodiversity has supported thousands of habitats and species, while exuding beauteousness unfathomable by most, bringing millions of tourists annually. Unfortunately, among all of this wonderment lurks destruction and demise by, not only the hands of humans, but pollution, industry, climate change and the ever-mighty grasp of Mother Nature.
Along with the Grand Canyon, Mount Everest, Northern Lights, Paricutin Volcano, Harbor of Rio Janeiro and Victoria …show more content…

In particular, rising levels and increased temperatures of the seas, along with ocean acidification, negatively impact the integrity of this magnificent ecosystem and its inhabitants. The abundant microscopic organisms beneath the sea are crucial to the reef’s survival in that the phytoplankton transfer carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and into food, and under the influence of rising temperatures, growth and reproduction decreases dramatically. Known as coral bleaching, this occurrence is a result of the discharging of algae from the coral tissue, and to add, a normally beneficial player in the game, the crown-of-thorns starfish is smothering the already ailing reef. Also, due to rising sea temperatures comes changes in ocean currents, which essentially is responsible for depleting food sources, and with that, transportation of larvae and eggs becomes impeded. Like the domino effect, every action triggers yet another action, and so …show more content…

Scientific research is allowed in areas labeled Orange Zones while numerous other zones control shipping, general use and habitat protection.
The ever-intrusive crown-of-thorns starfish presents the Great Barrier Reef extensive angst. Under the severe bleaching conditions of the coral, the starfish suck out more key nutrients from the already ailing structures. In order to combat this outbreak, a management team oversees practices of injecting individual starfish in hopes of abating this huge population. Hand in hand, this practice and comprehensive research promotes the long-term goal of controlling the infestation, thus rehabilitating the coral reefs.
Given the facts, circumstances and strategies, the unfortunate future of the Great Barrier Reef appears bleak. This largest living biodiversity, beginning with the smallest organisms to the largest whale, suffers a trickle effect of destruction caused by human activity, pollution, industry, climate change and Mother Nature. In the meantime teams of scientists, private organizations along with governments over the world invest time, money and resources in an attempt to rescue this natural

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