
The Idea Of Using Social Media On Adolescent Health

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The original intent of my project was to start developing a new way to engage middle school students while reading a novel together in class. The idea of using social media to facilitate learning and communicate with parents seemed like a natural place to start given the current role technology plays in adolescent lives.
Seventh Grade Interactive Novel Study The Pigman
Eighth Grade Interactive Novel Study Toughing Spirit Bear

The California Adolescent Health Collaborative identified several benefits of social media on adolescent health that include: extending friendships, supportive environment to friendships and social status, support online that may be lacking in traditional relationships, key source of information and advice, …show more content…

The introduction assignment was designed to introduce the students to the classroom blog and provide an opportunity to create background knowledge for the novel study. The seventh grade novel study – The Pigman Student Introduction: The Pigman novel takes place in a New York Suburbs and the main characters visit the Bronx Zoo. Students were assigned a username that coincided with an animal that lives in the Bronx Zoo. The eighth grade novel study – Touching Spirit Bear Student Introduction: Touching Spirit Bear starts out in Minneapolis and moves quickly to Alaska. The main character is placed on an Island and must fend for himself in the elements of Alaska. Students were assigned a city in Alaska as a username. The introduction assignment provided the students with an opportunity to explore Alaska and learn more about the environment, weather, and setting.

After reading several comments from followers of my blog, I posted some of the student comments, to show how the students were interactive with the Kidblog. This does not break any confidentiality, because no student names or locations are revealed.

The introduction comments (seventh grade, eighth grade) showed the students’ abilities to use the internet to identify information, interpret and compile data needed to

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