
The Effects of Social Media on College Freshmen Essay

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Social media is defined as websites and applications used for social networking, in other words it is a way for people to interact and express themselves without being face to face. Social media has become a large part of the life of teenagers, who make up most of the population of people who are subjected to using social media in their daily lives. Many college students are faced with balancing their social lives with school and even athletics making priorities a big dilemma for them. College students in America are affected in many ways by social media whether it be their social life, their happiness, or their grades. Studies have shown that social media has a direct correlation to a college students social life. Teenagers in this time …show more content…

Social media has been known to help students develop important knowledge and social skills. “At first glance this may seem like a waste of time; however it also helps students to develop important knowledge and social skills, and be active citizens who create and share content.” (Chen 3). The more time teens spend on social media the more they become aware of their own social side and how to interact with others, especially their peers. “Some types of social media has beneficial effects, like helping adolescents establish some sense of identity and build networking skills” (Riley Davis). Too much time being spent on social media can also exploit teens to some harsh realities that they’ve probably never experienced in their lives before. Social media has been known to have positive and negative effects on the happiness of college students. There are many outcomes to the use of social media and many of them can be detrimental to a student’s happiness. Social media can also encourage new bad behaviors in teenagers who are easily influenced. Teens that use social media must learn to prioritize their lives in order to prevent disorder in their lives. It can also be very helpful for some teens that are socially shy and need new ways of making friends. Many teens today struggle with being shy and don’t know how to interact with their peers. Sites like twitter and Facebook are a gateway in helping these teens

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