Ever since the dawn of man, humans have always wanted learn and explore as much as possible. We have done amazing things since our race has begun and have created things that we imaged were never conceivable. The human race has succeeded in so many different areas of science and math and as the future progresses we only continue to learn more. Today we have technological advances that are incredible and allow us to do many amazing feats from building massive architectural buildings to putting satellites and probes on and around other planets to research them. We have come a very long way when it comes to what we as a race have achieved and as time passes we will only grow as a more advanced race. Eventually there will be a time where the …show more content…
With the potential to start life on a new planet and make a new home for not just the human race, but for many species on Earth as well, it could most definitely help solve the devastating threats that we may soon face in the near future. Of course making the planet habitable would be a very challenging feat to complete in itself, but it is possible. With the proper steps and actions, we could be able to transform Mars into a habitable planet that would sustain life for many years. There are many planets in our solar system that could be potentially be one day terraformed, some of which have moons already with water and possibly life on them already. Why would we waste our time with Mars then? Mars has always fascinated humans. “In August 1996, the public was captivated with NASA’s announcement that a meteorite from Mars may contain evidence of early microscopic life.” Reconsidering Life (1). It has been used in movies, books, television, and games, so you could say that mars is quite famous. Besides having an important history, Mars holds all of the elements that are needed for life to exist. It holds Wwater, which may be frozen at the polar ice caps, carbon and oxygen in the form of carbon dioxide (CO2), and nitrogen which is an important element to help create our atmosphere. “T here are amazing similarities between the Martian atmosphere that exists today and the atmosphere that existed on Earth billions of years ago. ” How
In conclusion, colonizing Mars is a terrible idea There is no known natural source of water, Once you get there you cannot come back , and If you get sick, the astronauts
Fortunately, if the effort pays off, humanity could have a new home after Earth is no longer habitable. While the criticisms do bring valid points as to the difficulties of space travel and colonization, they can be overcome with mankind’s technology, the resources already present on Mars, and old-fashioned human ingenuity. India has developed a method to drastically decrease the cost of space missions, and SpaceX has successfully re-launched a previously used rocket; with their contributions, a Mars mission no longer has to break the bank. Thanks to NASA, colonists will be able to sustain themselves for a considerable amount of time using oxygenators and water reclaimers, ensuring they have breathable air and clean water. Pockets of geothermal energy beneath the surface will provide the key to powering a large colony long enough for nuclear plants to be established. Finally, plants can not only be grown in Martian soil once the proper nutrients have been added, but those plants will thrive in an atmosphere with a high CO2 content, which can be controlled with pressurized greenhouses. Colonizing Mars will be no easy task, but because of the contributions of scientists across the world, it is a task that is no longer considered
Most of the mistakes made on Earth would not be repeated again on Mars. Mars should be colonized, as with the Moon. Inhabiting giant asteroids, other planets and moons and space stations in constant orbit around planets and moons would help solve the problem of overcrowding and world hunger. While it'll be extremely risky, expensive and take many years, but colonizing Mars will be a major factor in the long run. They are almost certain that it will happen eventually if all goes well, and I'm at least sure that it is possible. Space exploration is getting better and cheaper all the time. We still have to develop a lot of technology to be in a position where it is actually possible. Once we are at that stage, it will be relatively easy to go on and colonize the rest of the planets and moons within this solar system. Hopefully one day this will lead us to a point where we can move on to other solar systems and allow our evolutionary chain to expand and continue throughout the Universe. Earth will not be around forever. The main advantage to colonizing Mars is that we, as a species, we will survive the end of the world on Earth. The surface area of Mars is the same as the land area of Earth so that is a doubling of the available land for human use. Physical strength might well be reduced, but in a lower gravity environment, there will be less day to day stress on your body, so your organs should
Mars is a place much like earth’s deserts. The only noticeable difference is that most deserts can get up to 100 degrees very fast, while on Mars it can get to negative that number even faster. Even though these limitations may screw up the whole “colonizing mars mission” there are still many possibilities. According to “How Do We Colonize Mars”, by Matt Williams, scientists do not want to colonize Mars the way it is. Scientists are actually following fiction novels and books.
By sending people to the planet mars it would give many new places to explore. It could possibly introduce new elements and new species. It gives us many new things to research and discover. It is a whole new planet that the human species has not touched yet. The only thing that has roamed the planet was our mars rover and that has yet to discover the many resources that it holds.
With similar seasons and day length, the ability to terraform easily and the resources that are abundant on the planet, there should be no question that Mars is capable. Land and real estate may become quite valuable as well. If continued population growth continues on Earth, there will be no space or resources left to support such a population. Mars will start to have some of the most valuable resources. A promise to long term sustainability and growth has been seen in Mars.
Was there ever water on its surface? Will we find life there? Answers to these questions and others will come from studying and traveling to Mars. ”(Bowers, 1) We only know/see 4% (we only see 4 out of every 100 stars, planets and galaxies) of what is out there in space and we would learn so much more about planets and long-term space travel if we went to Mars because a normal rocket would be too small to be in for about 6 months. We would need to advance in the technology to colonize another planet and we would need to advance in our technology for long-term space travel.
The distance from the Sun to Mars is 142 million miles! It would take about 2 1/2 years to get there. The size of Mars is 4,220 miles wide. To fill up Earth, it would take more than 6 Mars'. What surprises me the most about Mars is how large it is. It's also awesome how much bigger earth is than Mars. I'm surprised how some people become astronats. It would take about 5 years out of your life just to go somewhere you've never been before with people you might barely know. Three decades ago, we did not have the technology we have today. Todays technology has shown us that Mars is rocky, cold, and dry. I think that new technology will let us be able to go to mars. After that, we could find out more about more not just with rovers. I think it
“And thus in the Land of the Color-line I saw, as it fell across my baby, the shadow of the Veil. Within the Veil was he born, said I; and there within shall he live, - a Negro and a Negro’s son. Holding in that little head- ah, bitterly! - the unbowed pride of a hunted race, clinging with that tiny dimpled hand – ah, wearily!- to a hope not hopeless but unhopeful, and seeing with those bright wondering eyes that peer into my soul a land whose freedom is to us a mockery and whose liberty a lie.”
Soon Mars could become another livable planet with people walking around on it. Earth is being overpopulated fast and Mars could be the solution. Mars has territory that the Earth needs. Once scientists send a few people and learn about mars we can send more people up to Mars. Eventually mars will be just like Earth, with cities, farms and people roaming around. People going up to mars can build us a new planet.
Colonizing Mars would not only be a scientific breakthrough, but it would be extremely beneficial to the human race and their future. Mars would help humans in many ways by providing a planet for humans to fall back on if any bad event were to happen to Earth. Colonizing Mars would prove to be very helpful and rewarding. Also, many engineers and scientists like Elon Musk, founder of Space x and Tesla, are on board are on board with this futuristic idea.
NASA claims that if it's something we work for, we are only decades away from sending people to Mars. Mars is the fourth closest planet to the sun, and it would be the easiest planet for humans to construct a habitat on. While Venus is closer to Earth in size than Mars is, it's extreme pressure would make it very difficult to set up a self-sustaining habitat, making Mars a far more practical choice for a non-Earth colony. In addition to not having an extremely dense atmosphere like Venus, Mars also has frozen water. Colonists on Mars could obtain and melt the ice, making it unnecessary to send large amounts of water ahead of time from Earth. Another advantage of Mars is that it's soil might be able to grow crops. Like the water, this would
Added to the economic costs to America, a venture to Mars causes substantial risk to the society. The environment and society are very important to human survival on Earth. Even though some people feel that exploring Mars may help understand the Earth better, and going to Mars will be a great scientific milestone, in my opinion exploring Mars is a bad idea. The atmosphere on Mars is about 100 times thinner than earth and it is not suitable for us to breath. It contains about 95% of carbon dioxide and little or no oxygen. This will make it very difficult for humans to survive there. Unlike Mars, which is not protected and is exposed to everything, the Earth is protected by the ozone layer. Exploring Mars will be dangerous to humans and very expensive to taxpayers. This will take years of planning and the mission will take years instead of days. The astronauts who go there may run out of oxygen and even fall sick. They will be unable to just return at any time. They have to wait until the earth aligns with Mars before they can return. All this could take months or even
If we were to go to Mars the progression of technology that would be made and the astronomical research available would greatly benefit humanity, the future, and our planet (The Mars Society). Humanity would be greatly benefited if we were to go to Mars because if there is evidence of life separate from ours this would be a the greatest scientific discovery for a very long time (National Center for Biotechnology Information). The future would also be benefited for if we could colonize another planet and this would create hope to spread humanity across the entire galaxy. If humans were to step foot on and study Mars, our planet, Earth, would be benefited. It has been scientifically proved that Earth is slowly being heated through global warming; however, research on Mars might provide highly helpful information for Mars is the planet in our solar system that is the most similar to Earth (American Museum of Natural History).
First and foremost, we should colonise Mars for the advancement of our scientific understanding of the universe. One of the many reasons travelling to other planets would aid in our understanding of the universe is that studying how Mars formed into the planet it is today (and consequently making it easier to understand how the earth formed) would be significantly easier from the surface of the rust covered planet than from scanning the planet using probes and slow, fragile