
The Holocaust And The Treatments Of The Holocaust

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Imagine being in a place with horror, abandonment, torture, suffering, famine, and misery; in a place of death, abuse, a hopeless state of mind; dying is better than going through something like this. This is the exact portrayal of what the victims of the Holocaust have gone through. The Holocaust was the mass slaughter of (mostly) Jews prior to World War II. They put them into concentration camps and more than six million Jews were killed. The Nazi Party were heartless, immoral, and inhumane people who treated the Jews like animals. They thought that the Jews were the reason for the failing economy of Germany. The Nazi party believed they were doing the right thing to annihilate the race of Jews, but no one ever has an excuse to torture people who have done nothing wrong; Jews were experimented on, enslaved, brutalized, and killed; no one should ever go through something like the Jews have during the Holocaust.
The Nazis performed sadistic experiments on victims during the holocaust without their consent for the Nazi party advantages. Some victims were froze and heated to death with hypothermia and sunlamp experiments. Two main ways they used to freeze the victim were to “put the person in a icy vat of water or to put the victim outside naked in sub-zero temperatures.” (Medical Experiments of the Holocaust and Nazi Medicine, n.d.) To heat victims, they would put them under sunlamps and waited until their skin was burned. One victim was “repeatedly cooled to unconsciousness

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