
The Holocaust : An Extreme Fear Essay

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The dictionary defines terror and genocide as ‘an extreme fear’ and ‘the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation” respectably. Within these parameters, it is suitable to state that the terrors the governments of Germany and Russia forced some of their citizens to endure are nothing less than acts of genocide. Between 1933 and 1949, over six million Jewish people from Germany and Europe perished in Nazi Concentration Camps during the Holocaust. In Stalin’s Russia, between four million and seventy million Russians departed from the Earth within the Soviet Gulags. Within these figures, there are over eighty million souls and eighty million individual experiences and stories that will never be told. Mikihal Bulgakov wrote, ‘manuscripts don’t burn,’ and following that, it could be said that ‘the voices of people do not die.’ Faint as they may be, the voices of the dead can be heard when one attempts to listen hard enough. Through the examination of memoirs of the survivors, it is possible to gain understanding into the lives of those who perished in these concentration camps. This essay will work to understand how in the moments before their murders, and disposal of their vessels within the Soviet Gulags and the Nazi Concentration Camps, lead to the dehumanization of the prisoners that perished within these camps.

To some, there was nothing more horrifying than the gas chambers operating within the Nazi Death

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