“You go we go” is a famous phrase used by firefighters showing the brother hood and the similarities of how firefighters are local heroes like soldiers. Having a career as a firefighter to the public is about always being there in a crisis, and having the ability to save someone’s life. Even though firefighters do save peoples lives’ daily that is not the only thing they do day in and day out. Firefighting is physically demanding job. However; to get where the fire company is today has taken a lot. Being able to trace firefighting back to the Roman days, all the way to understanding the beginning of colonial firefighting, and how African American males were able to join the department.Along with the struggles of the men in the field then woman faced trying to become afire fighter which added a whole new dimension to the job. Then you add the tools that we reused,and how technology has advanced and changed the way thing are done within the fire department is only the beginning of the journey. The path that firefighting has taken to be able to have the local men and women to help save lives today is a long and ever changing one. First of all, in 24 BC the idea of firefighting was made. There were men that were assigned to watch over the town and watch and see if a fire was spotted.
Ridings 2If a fire was located the men would sound an alarm; which sounded like a loud bell alerting that the town of the fire. Because fire was such a common aspect of life due to the living
To better understand the background of the contrasting views, we must look at how the fire service has developed around
In October 8, 1871,Chicago,Illinois was a city ready to burn by the nightmare of wood.
The Great Chicago Fire, October 1871, October 10 of 1871 destroyed thousands of buildings, killed 300 people burned till october 10th 1871, and caused an estimated of $200 million in damages. The fire started at night in a barn owned by Patrick O’Leary and his wife Catherine . Legend says that a cow kicked a lit lantern which that started the fire. The fire burn through 9th of October speeding at 160 kilometers an hour. The fire destroyed 3.3 square miles of Chicago it burned for two days. It left than 100,000 homeless, it killed hundreds of people because of the fire. The fire was on the 8th of October 1871, the fire was going to fast and the fire killed to many people like hundred of people and destroyed thousands of buildings that costs
Pillsworth, T. (2016, Febuary). How Demographics Have Changed the Volunteer Fire Service. Volunteers Corner; Fire Engineering. Retrieved September 29, 2016, from http://eds.b.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.faytechcc.edu/eds/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?sid=2c6b0287-3433-4e7f-b211-c77139d22830@sessionmgr107&vid=1&hid=114
here has been a fire in Chicago Illinois on October 8, 1871. It was the biggest fire and made history. When the buildings on the south side of Chicago caught on fire, we knew that there was no stopping it. It was a very big tragic time for the people that owned businesses and had a family in the city. The people that were lost and the people injured were outrageously high. Hopefully nothing else happens like what happened on October 8, 1871.
In our society, firefighters are known as heroes. They are looked up too, and admired. They put out the fires we start and put their lives
One could say the Fire Service possess one unique quality about how it operates daily and that is the culture and the community that lies within every department. Culture is defined as defined by Miriam-Webster “the integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depends upon the capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations (Definition of Culture, 2017, para. 5).” The many diverse aspects of each department in still’s a variety of cultural differences separating one department from the next. At the heart of all departments, fire service culture is the men and women who work and train hard to serve their communities as prescribed by the Fire Chief. The Fire Chief, however,
A fire truck also known as a fire apparatus, fire engine, or fire appliance, is a specific vehicle designed primarily for firefighting. Many organizations employ fire engines for various other uses including EMS, hazmat, auto extrication and technical rescue. Its main roles include transporting firefighters, along with a supply of water and a full complement of equipment. The fire truck the early times fires were put out by throwing buckets of water into the fire, but the dangers and the slow process made this method not last long before a new invention took over, the hand pump (Betts). However, just like he buckets this method didn’t last long before the first fire engine was invented in the early 1800’s. The first fire engines were usually
Ever since I was a young boy, I always wanted to be a firefighter. I played firefighter with my friends and we pretended to put our house and other objects out with the garden hose. We would jump out of the back of my dad’s truck with our hose just like the firefighters jumping out of their trucks. Every time I would see the fire truck drive by I would wave and say to my mom, “that is going to be me one day.”
A big topic in the duties of firefighting is why there are more men than women firefighting. Numerous people would think that a woman can’t do the entire cautionary details that it takes to become one. Here is what a woman by the name of Charlotte Whitton has to say about these rumors, “Whatever woman do they must do twice as well as men to be half as good, luckily this is not difficult” (Winters). One explanation to this outbreak is there are many laws protecting women, children, age, minorities, and religious beliefs that many firefighters break everyday that they are on the job. Many women have to endure a workplace that is well suited for male- dominated firehouses unlike that of the 1940’s than of the 21st century. One of the only setbacks for women to worry about when trying to become a firefighter is the physical ability test. Why you might ask, well most women aren’t as strong in the upper body as men usually are, that is not to say that women could weight lift to increase her chances of succeeding. Part of the time that female are at a fire station they get sexually harassed by the male firemen. There have been cases of men hiding video cameras in small place to video tape these ladies and show it to the whole fire house, but in these
Firemen, while intimidating to the general public, are widely accepted and respected. This means that they serve as an embodiment of the public as a whole. In their hands fire is used to
The history of fires goes back to the 17th century. They were called, “Fire buckets”. They came into existence because there was no fireman. Fire buckets were people organizing themselves like a human chain with buckets passing around. There was at least two to three buckets full of
Have you ever heard about a society that burns houses instead of putting them out? The book, Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury is Science Fiction. In this book, Guy Montag is a firefighter that causes fires instead of putting them out. He began to question about his society when he met a young girl named Clarisse McClellan. He is also married to Mildred, who tries to suicide by taking too many sleeping pills and is out of her mind. In this society, the purpose of being a firefighter is to burn houses that hold books in them and arrest or kill the people who had been hiding the books. Towards the end of the story, Montag soon realizes that books can give you the knowledge one needs. The best way to keep that knowledge without someone
Much like all events and natural phenomena that pose a threat to civilization, humans have learned to cope with and prevent the loss of human life and destruction of property in devastating blazes that can break out seemingly at random. Fighting fires was not always the science it is today, but due to the use of new technologies and the fundamental understanding of what fire is, how it spreads, how it can kill, and how it is stopped, our protocol when dealing with fires has increased our success rate and continues to grow with applications of engineering, chemistry, and meteorology.
After visiting some actual fire departments, I realized as a firefighter you certainly have a lot to be proud of. It’s not your average job and does require quite a bit of organization to stay on top of everything. Everyday you have to be ready and prepared for just about anything that can happen. You never know what kinds