
Unit 7 Writing Assignment

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Unit 7 Writing Assignment We all know that communities are as unique as the people who live in them, and because of this, we must realize that the fire departments that serve these communities must be unique as well. Likewise, there is no cookie-cutter formula for what type of fire department best suits a community, for there are many factors to take into consideration. For example, the size of the community, the economic stability, and service demands of the community; and depending on these, a community may be adequately protected with a volunteer, combination or professional department (Brunet, DeBoer, & McNamara, 2001). According to a National Fire Department Census, there are 1,083 fire departments in North Carolina, with 63.2% of them being volunteer departments, 28.4% mostly volunteer, 4.1 mostly professional, and 4.4% professional. …show more content…

T. (2001, March 26-50). Community Choice Between Volunteer and Professional Fire Departments. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 30(1). Retrieved September 29, 2016, from Dallesandro, M. P. (2014, March). Coming Soon: Volunteer and Combination Fire Department Studies. Volunteers Corner. Retrieved September 29, 2016, from Pillsworth, T. (2016, Febuary). How Demographics Have Changed the Volunteer Fire Service. Volunteers Corner; Fire Engineering. Retrieved September 29, 2016, from U.S Fire Administration. (2016). North Carolina fire loss/fire department profile. (U.S Fire Administration) Retrieved October 2, 2016, from U.S Fire Administration:

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