
The Hispanic/Latino Populations: A Case Study

Decent Essays

I have chosen to write the following paper about the incident rates of cancer and the Hispanic/Latino populations in the United States. Cancer is the number two leading cause of death in the United States among all populations. In the Hispanic/Latino, cancer is the number one leading cause of death. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (hereby referred to as the CDC), “about 1 in 3 Hispanic men and 1 in 3 Hispanic women will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime”1. The incidence of cancer among the Hispanic/Latino population is for all “new cases: About 58,400 new cancer cases in Hispanic men and 67,500 cases in Hispanic women are expected to be diagnosed in 2015”1 compared to the rest of the U.S. population. There …show more content…

Findings in a report with dates from 1975-2003 reported “data on socioeconomic status (SES), behavioral risk factors, and cancer screening by race, ethnicity, and Mexican, Puerto Rican, and Cuban groups”2. Not having access to healthcare is one of the leading factors of why cancer rates among the Hispanic/Latino population is so high. In fact, “Latinos are less likely than non-Latinos to have health care coverage, especially when they are younger than 65 years”2 because of their income. And “Hispanic persons are much less likely to have a regular source of medical care than are non-Hispanic populations, with Latino men being the least likely”2. “Access to state-of-the-art, quality cancer care is known to be unequal and to exacerbate existing disparities in cancer outcomes”2 which is unfair and …show more content…

Smoking “remains the leading cause of preventable morbidity and mortality from cancer, cardiovascular diseases, stroke, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in the United States”3 especially among Hispanic adults. According to the article “Alcohol consumption is an established cause of cancers of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, liver, colorectum, and female breast [cancers]”3. In the Hispanic/Latino populations “in some studies the prevalence of binge drinking (5 or more drinks per occasion) in Hispanics males is higher compared with non-Hispanic whites”3 so HIspanic males are more at risk of having certain types of cancer related to alcohol consumption as compared to other populations in the United States. Obesity is another risk factor that increases the incidence of cancer rates in the Hispanic/Latino population. Obesity is associated with breast, esophageal, colon, kidney, and pancreas cancer. Among adults “the obesity prevalence among Mexican women increased from 26.6% to 44% and in men from 15.7% to 36%”3. Since the rates of obesity are increasing, so are the number of incidences of cancer associated with

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