
Latinos In The United States Chapter 3 Essay

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The following discussion and statements are done so such that they incorporate the ideas and struggles of the Latino races regarding certain subjects down upon chapter 3 “Latinos in the united states” and chapter 4 “borders, immigration and citizenship”. This discussion is about the oppression that people Latinos and Native Americans and other ethnic groups have gone through. Some points in the discussion are oppression towards Mexican American and Native Americans, how they were treated and the impact they had. As a kid I used to like watching those old Texas Ranger movies, on how they would take out a bunch of bad people, rescue the people in trouble and save the day. In chapter 3 we read that was not the case and how there really job was to oppress and to “keep the peace “after the Mexican American war, the book uses the lone ranger as an example, which is a Disney remake. Along the movie the “lone ranger” has a side kick who’s named “Tonto”, which is the Spanish word or equivalent to “Dumb”. The movie had “use of racist stereotypes in most scenes” (Urbina 2014 pg.37). this chapter also spoke on how the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo gave “cover” to the greed of “white men “ to steal the lands of those Mexicans that stayed after …show more content…

Colonial adventure made a massive impact on their ways of life as their population was being killed off for their land and their main source of food (ex. Buffalo) was being killed in masses for their hide. Native Americans were also forced to walk the Trail of Tears, which relocated them to a different location, however many died in the process. In the chapter it is mentioned on some case, in which officers committed some crime and did not receive any form of disciplinary actions against them. One of those cases, involved six drunk officers who took seven Chicanos out of their cells and beat them for no

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