There are many benefits of fitness which are hard to ignore and extend well beyond ones weight. Regular physical activity can help reduce risk for numerous ailments and health conditions and help to improve one’s overall quality of life. Enhanced physique often comes along with a good fitness schedule, keeping one motivated. Fitness is the condition of being physically fit and healthy, however becoming active, staying active or boosting your level of physical activity is difficult for some to achieve. No matter what the circumstance, the health benefits of physical activity far outweigh the risks of getting hurt. Research shows that regular physical activity can help protect you from heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, obesity, back pain, osteoporosis, self-esteem, stress, and many other health problems. Daily physical activity, such as a brisk walk through your neighborhood, is not only beneficial, but safe for most people. Starting slowly allows one to stay safe and slowly build their endurance to not only keep their risk for cardiac events, albeit rare, from occurring, but to keep one from being deterred by exhaustion or defeat. Slowly and gradually increasing your level of activity encourages one to keep going as they see their increased and positive progress. Keeping a fitness schedule strengthens your heart muscles, lowering blood pressure while raising good cholesterol and your heart’s working capacity. Within only a short time, the body adapts and
When an individual engages in physical activity, it decreases the sedentary life, promotes healthy emotional well being while maintaining a healthy body weight. Physical fitness is very important in order to be fit an individual must us proper nutrition. The effect various based on the nutrients that affect the body. When the body needs to repair and grow it uses protein. The body uses carbohydrates during physical activity as an energy source. When an individual is fit the body uses its nutrition to help heal and main certain hydration when conducting physical activity. Healthy physical activity helps the individual sleepy at night, possible live longer, feel better, healthy weight.
The benefits of being physically fit involve reducing cancers, diseases, several disorders, and even preventing genetic disorders because the body is consistently gaining the right amount of nutrition to fight against any deadly viruses and conditions that could worsen the body compared to a couch potato and individuals who do not devote a particular time period to enough movement and exercise. According to Kari Hartel, RD, LD in the Fit day article, "What's more alarming is that more and more research is finding that the detrimental effects that prolonged leisure time has on your body can't be "canceled out" by exercising, even if you do vigorous exercise such as running or cycling. This means you can't justify spending hours stretched out
Physical fitness is a necessity for everyone regardless of race, culture, or sex in order to live a long healthy life. In order to achieve physical fitness, you must be able to perform daily tasks vigorously, while avoiding diseases related to a lack of activity. There are many benefits of physical fitness like endurance, good figure, muscular strength, and flexibility. Some mental benefits include a positive attitude, high self-esteem, and the production of endorphins, which act as a natural painkiller. There have been many benefits of physical activity, which were always praised throughout history. It was not until the 1970s, that enough information was available on physical fitness. The American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association has since begun issuing physical activity recommendations to the public. Some of these recommendations include cardio-respiratory exercises and sustained periods of vigorous activity. The past several years the American College of Sports and Medicine, American Heart Association, and Nation Heart, Lung and Blood Institute have also recommended regular, moderate physical activity.
Some of the different effects and benefits that training has on the heart are: 1.) The heart will get stronger because of the exercise, which is making the heart pump blood through it faster by making the heart work at its maximum. Making the heart stronger means that each beat increases to 80 millimeters per beat. 2.) The cardiac output (the amount of blood ejected from the heart per minute) increases. When at rest, the heart approx. increases from pumping 5 liters to 40 liters per minute. Muscular activity is one of the factors that affect stroke volume. When you are training your stroke volume increases as well. When you first start exercising the heart rate rises quickly. When you finish exercising your heart rate declines faster than usual.
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During childhood our body and mind changes very fast. I believe that nowadays parents focus more on the brain developement of their children than their physical activity. When I was a little girl - over 20 years ago - we spent most of our time outside playing, running and enjoying fresh air and being in movement. Physical activity of children can secure them health and well being in their adulthood as well as teach them a lot of very importants aspects like social relations and behaviors in different situations.
The benefits of physical exercise in humans far outweighs the harmful effects associated with exercise. A prescription of physical activity has been known to delay the onset or prevention of many chronic diseases. An improvement in heart function, lower blood pressure and improve functional capacity is noticed after just a few weeks of exercising. Physical activity will also result in an increase of lean muscle mass, promote weight maintenance, increased flexibility, and a generally stronger more fit individual. Conversely, exercise when preformed strenuously or obsessively can counteract such positive effects, bringing up some issues like oxidative stresses, injuries, and
Engaging in physical activity can reduce your chances of getting diseases including certain cancers, heart disease and stroke. This is because during physical exercise your heart becomes stronger and therefore isn’t so prone to developing these diseases, especially heart disease and strokes. Coronary heart disease and stroke share many of the same risk factors such as high LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels, low HDL (“good”) cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, smoking, diabetes, physical inactivity, and being overweight or obese. (American Stroke Association, 2015, p. 1). Being physically active reduces the chance of you becoming overweight, and overweight individuals again are more likely to experience these diseases. Being physically active can improve your hearts ability to work by lowering your blood pressure and increasing your ability to have blood flow around the body. Strokes are mostly caused when an artery that takes blood to the heart gets blocked. This results in the blood not being able to get to where it needs to go. Being a healthy
Exercise is one of the most important factors in a persons’ life. Physical activity, or the lack of it, can result in a person having a healthy life or cause them to have diabetes. The benefits of exercise are countless. The positive health results, the improvement in attitude, even better academic performance are all factors which make not exercising inexcusable.
Exercising is beneficial for health and for longer life. Physical inactivity is considered to be the fourth most common cause of deaths, approximately 3.2 million deaths annually (Giles & Koehle, 2014). Regular exercise decreases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer, respiratory function and stroke. Many of the least expensive form of exercise such as walking, running, cycling are performed in an outdoor setting, in urban environment most likely close to automobile vehicles (Sharman, Cockcroft & Coombes, 2004). Approximately 78% of the people live in urban areas within a developed world (Giles & Koehle, 2014). Automobiles emission is the single greatest donor to urban air pollution leading to various
Adding exercises into one’s daily routines can change their whole lifestyle. Many people look at exercise as being something just for people who want to lose weight or to become muscle bound, but there are a great deal of benefits that can be received from exercising regularly. Of course gaining muscle and losing fat are the two most popular reasons that usually attract people to the gym, but they make up a small part of the potential benefits that can be achieved with exercise. There are several ways in which I have benefited in my life from exercising regularly, besides just making me bigger and stronger. It has made me become more organized, helped me make better decisions, and motivated me to take on new challenges in life.
Personal fitness is the better way to achieve a healthier life. There is nothing else that will make you feel the way than exercising can. Many scientist and doctors have done studies to see what exactly happens to your body when you perform a regular moderate workout. The results where astounding, and has many people changing their lives for the better when they found out what really goes on during that work out. So personal fitness can greatly improves ones physical, mental and quality of life all by a simple regular work out.
Physical health has been the ultimate goal of exercise since forever. Physical exercise helps in burning calories over a period of time, depending on the intensity of the exercise. The reduction in calories reduces the weight of the body by reducing fats, which eventually makes people more fit and healthy because the body can perform better as it requires pulling and managing less amount of weight than before. On the other hand, lack of exercise leads to obesity and lethargic behavior, which is the main cause of many diseases and a shorter life (Pratt, Macera & Wang, 2000). The efficient circulation of the blood, the process of sweating and muscle development, all
Fitness is a build-up of physical and mental attributes that you should possess to meet the challenges and obligations of your everyday life, and give you the ability to perform tasks that are above your normal effort when needed. Having a good fitness of both your physical and mental state can decrease your chances of injury or any specific type of bodily harm, and is determined by 5 important components. The five components of fitness are cardiovascular endurance, muscular endurance, muscular strength, flexibility, and body composition. The components of fitness are used in schools, gyms, and health clubs to measure how good your physical fitness is progressing and how in shape and healthy your body is. These five components are highly important in order to keep your body healthy, and you are able to strengthen and improve each component by various activities, and exercises, and will be explained on how it is important to keep up with each category of exercise to maintain a good level of physical health. The kinds of exercises that fall into each category will be explained, and how performing them helps with that particular component of fitness.
Fitness and health are dynamic and keep on changing year in year out, unlike trends that come and go sometimes unnoticed. There are many ways of keeping fitness and more so in 2016. Keeping fit has health, physical, and psychological benefits to a person. A healthy a person with strength and minimal fat in the body can easily be recognized. A strong looking and muscular is becoming an image of a wee-being and a healthy person that is trending in 2016.