Out of all the members at my local gym, only 7% of them fit into older population category and I think this needs to increase dramatically. It is important to promote and support physical activity for the older population try and raise the amount of physically active older adults. Physical activity is defined as any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that require energy expenditure. (World Health Organisation, 2015, para. 1). I believe it is important for the older population to be physically active because there are so many benefits which come from it. Some of the many benefits include reduced risk of getting diseases, better quality of life, prevention/cure of depression and reducing anxiety and stress. Supporting and encouraging …show more content…
There are endless benefits which come from being active. The main benefits include reducing your risk of getting certain diseases, prevention of weight gain, improving your mood, reducing stress/anxiety and improving your overall life quality.
Engaging in physical activity can reduce your chances of getting diseases including certain cancers, heart disease and stroke. This is because during physical exercise your heart becomes stronger and therefore isn’t so prone to developing these diseases, especially heart disease and strokes. Coronary heart disease and stroke share many of the same risk factors such as high LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels, low HDL (“good”) cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, smoking, diabetes, physical inactivity, and being overweight or obese. (American Stroke Association, 2015, p. 1). Being physically active reduces the chance of you becoming overweight, and overweight individuals again are more likely to experience these diseases. Being physically active can improve your hearts ability to work by lowering your blood pressure and increasing your ability to have blood flow around the body. Strokes are mostly caused when an artery that takes blood to the heart gets blocked. This results in the blood not being able to get to where it needs to go. Being a healthy
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This makes sense because I believe that there is nothing more satisfying than going for a walk around the lake or being able to do something physical that you never were able to do before. You become a lot more satisfied by going out and achieving things in life rather than sitting back and doing nothing for yourself and achieving nothing. Although mood is a relatively unstable experience, physical activity is anticipated to increase positive mood and decrease negative mood in older adults. (American College of Sports Medicine, 2014, p. 24). I think that educating the older population on the benefits that exercise can have on your mood is vital, especially since it is common for older adults to feel down and have poor mood swings. Their poor mood swings could be caused by anything, such as frustration, boredom or feeling alone. It is also thought that being physically active can help to cure depression or prevent you from getting it. Aerobic physical activity is evidently proven that it influences depressive thoughts, stress levels and boosts the immune system. (Nagel, 2008, p. 54). This ties in with having an improved mood from being physically active. Mild depression is known to be able to be caused by being physically active. I believe this is because you become more satisfied in life by achieving things which will mean you have an increased mood and
There a series of psychological benefits aligned with physical activity, benefits such as stress management, reduced depression and developed self-esteem are all aligned with exercise.
One reason you might want to stay active is to keep a healthy lifestyle. Going back to the topic of common diseases, staying active is a good way to prevent, for example, diabetes or heart problems, and will keep you feeling great the whole day, and help you live longer. Once, during christmas break, I noticed how bored and sad I was feeling, I decided to walk around my neighborhood every morning and it helped tremendously. It is scientifically
The article, Exercise Program for Older Adults Improves Health and Catches on Around the Country, goes into depth about a program managed by senior services in Seattle, Washington, pertaining to a study on the elderly and the benefits of physical activity. Aging studies have found that people grow old at different rates, but it is inevitable that at some point there will be a decline in endurance, flexibility, balance and strength that occurs from natural aging. This natural occurrence has the possibility of leading to several negative impacts such as diminished independence and vitality which can lead to depression as well as increasing the likelihood of a disabling injury. After years of researching the positive benefits of physical activity, The University of Washington’s Health Promotion Research Center, a CDC Prevention Research Center (PRC), decided that they wanted to offer an exercise program in the setting of a community center. They thought it was wise to offer this program in a community based location like a senior center to promote dissemination and
Physical activity is able to shift neurons in your brain from a revved, stressed state-more vulnerable to dangerous cardiac rhythms and heart attacks-to a relaxed state.
There are many benefits of being active, it is good for you and it is a good way to socialise with others, regular physical activity can help prevent heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure and reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and some cancers and it can help to avoid injuries. Research suggests that those who eat a wide variety of nutritious foods enjoy living a longer life. .Other benefits of healthy eating include:
Being physically active controls hypertension or high blood pressure. High blood pressure may result in stroke or heart
The benefits of being physically fit involve reducing cancers, diseases, several disorders, and even preventing genetic disorders because the body is consistently gaining the right amount of nutrition to fight against any deadly viruses and conditions that could worsen the body compared to a couch potato and individuals who do not devote a particular time period to enough movement and exercise. According to Kari Hartel, RD, LD in the Fit day article, "What's more alarming is that more and more research is finding that the detrimental effects that prolonged leisure time has on your body can't be "canceled out" by exercising, even if you do vigorous exercise such as running or cycling. This means you can't justify spending hours stretched out
A study from Stanford University has proven that sport prevents several chronic diseases including cancer and diabetes. Sport does not mean you must go on a fifty minute run each day. There are so many sports to choose from, one is guaranteed to be appealing to you. For example, not everyone wants to play rugby, whereas all other others dream of is to play rugby. You might of heard the same that if you have a job you love, you will never work a day in your life. The same is also true for exercise; if you play a sport you love, you will never need to make a large commitment to exercise.
Regular exercise has many benefits Exercise also helps to protect against depression, and helps you better manage stress.
Regular physical activity is beneficial to health in many ways(“Facts”). A comprehensive study and analysis of existing research found that leisure time physical activity is associated with reduced risk of 13 types of cancers(“Facts”).Physical activity will help you maintain a healthy lifestyle. Accordingly regular physical activity impacts health in many ways.
The benefits by far outweigh any risk, such as injuries. The benefits are not limited to only the physical but also include academic, social, career,and psychological benefits. The obesity rate among young people is growing at alarming numbers. Participation in sports helps to combat this issue with the exercise that you get, lower rate of diabetes, lower risk for high blood pressure, and improved cardiovascular and pulmonary function. Physical exercise is good for the mind, body, awareness of one's self, and helps development better eating habits.
Physical exercises play a vital role in reduction of and prevention of chronic diseases and combating age-related illness. Senior
The need for exercise is important for the aging population. There is a growing need for exercise since people are living longer. It prevents ADL disability and can help adults achieve a higher quality of life. The need to take care of older adults will continue to grow as we are living longer. As we age, we look to achieve an overall quality of life. Doing things that make us happy and that bring enjoyment to our life. In article, Physical Activity and Quality of Life in Older Adults, the effects of physical activity are associated with overall quality of life, “changes in physical activity[...] would be directly associated with changes in self-efficacy; changes in self-efficacy would be directly associated with changes in physical self-worth and disability; and changes in physical self-worth and disability would be directly associated with changes in global QOL” (Phillips, Wojcicki, & McAuley. 2013.) Older adults must go through the aging process and many people don’t like the idea of “growing old” physical activity is a lifestyle factor that reduces the effects of aging and gives older adults a community of people who all share the same
Exercise's greatest benefit is it reduces and prevent diseases. Exercise is a way of promoting health and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Health is a state mind, body, and spirit. An individual who leads an unhealthy way of life, poor diet, lack of exercise can result in increase risks of complications that may lead to certain diseases. There is a large number of Americans that suffer from preventable conditions. Three conditions that exercise can significantly effect are hypertension, heart disease, and obesity.
1. Physical fitness is the set of attributes that allow you to perform moderate to vigorous physical activities on a regular basis without getting too tired and with energy left over. There are so many benefits to doing physical activity. It reduces the risk pf cardiovascular diseases. It keeps the blood pumping through our body, and strengthens the heart muscle. Exercise keeps oxygen moving, and decreases the chance of hypertension which is a form of a cardiovascular disease. Physical activity is also beneficial because it decreases the chances of cancer. The cancer research found many cancers could of been prevented with lifestyle chances. Regular exercise is associated with lower risk for color and rectal cancers. The benefits are not all physiological, on the psychological side, it can really increase one's self-esteem. When we exercise, and notice improvements, we are happier and our mental health is much healthier. Another benefit of exercise is that it is helpful with dealing with stress. The physical activity has been shown to burn off and release the chemical by-products of the stress response, and increase endorphins, which will make your mood more mutual and melo. To promote these benefits, I think showing people easy exercise they can include in their daily lives will make people more motivated, and if they saw all the benefits, they would try and exercise more. Doctors should address the effects exercise can do for us more at visits, and even shows we see on