While staying in the haunted Pacific Hotel, an unhappily married woman is seduced by a mysterious man while her husband completes a nefarious deal involving smuggled jewels.
RACHEL MANNING (30’s) and her husband RUPERT (40’s) arrive at their destination: the Pacific Hotel on the Australian coast. It’s a place Rachel has been before. The Hotel has it’s own unsettling history. In the 1970’s, the hotel was hit by a cyclone. The storm killed a woman, LILLY, staying in room 14, but her young baby boy was rescued and survived.
As they enter Room 14, the “honeymoon” suit, Rachel reveals a smuggled line of perfectly cut diamonds. Rachel regrets that the diamonds will be turned into another development deal.
There’s obvious tension in the relationship between Rachel and Rupert.
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Rachel is more confused as she battles her internal feelings and is pulled toward Bryan.
The storm is not just in their marriage, but a fierce storm is approaching the town, similar to the past cyclone.
Rachel sees Steve secretly meeting with Bryan, confusing her and she becomes more suspicious of Steve. Rachel confronts Bryan; she knows he’s the son of Lilly and that she reminds him of his mother, a woman he only knows in photos. Bryan wants to be with Rachel. She’s his new muse.
He paints a portrait of her, but the painting could be Rachel or his mother. Rachel admits she could never leave Rupert.
Rachel sees an undercover cop filming Steve. Bryan warns Rachel that she and Rupert should leave town. He can’t explain why. Steve and Narelle leave as if they are being followed and hunted.
Rupert also has plans to leave, and he wants Rachel to come with him. Rachel is conflicted. The storm gets stronger. Rachel has a last minute emotional struggle as she looks for Bryan, who has launched his boat braving the storm. He disappears into the waves. Rachel is devastated. She looks for Rupert, but thinks he has left her
Rachel sends Sarah with a basket of food to get a pass so they can leave Boston. At the time it was necessary. Sarah is able to trade the food for a pass. They quickly pack their stuff and leave Boston. While leaving, they get inspected by British soldiers and are found to be smuggling food. The soldiers try to take the food, only to be yelled at by Lady Frankland, a Tory and close friend of Rachel's, who is also riding into Boston. They move on safely to Watertown.
The storm takes away everything that she made sure her family had, and she is forced out of her comfort zone. Gwen discovers the suffering of others and realizes that some families don’t have the best life. She realizes how selfish she has been when she finds out about Tom’s upcoming death, and changes into a sympathetic and balanced individual. The play ‘The Stranger on the shore’ during the end of the play, shows the audience that Gwen has changed.
Rachel had always had a love for sports, but football was a life changer for her. How it all started, is one day her step-father jokingly asked her if she wanted to try football, and she replied with yes very seriously.
Another way to deal with past regrets that is brought to light is the idea of repressing that memory in the first place. Unlike her sisters, Rachel Price is the only one who ignores her guilt. After Ruth May’s death and their departure from Nathan, Rachel rarely ever brings these major events up again. Instead she talks about her new life, speaking about her newest boy toy and complaining about the African’s culture. The night of Ruth May’s death, since Rachel is
Finally, totally alone and happy, Quinn proceeds toemerge herself deeper and deeper into Catalina's life, totally abandoning her old life. In the end, Quinn got what she wanted, but left a trail of heartbreak along the
The storm is symbolised as a purifier of the soul, washing away her material possessions. The storm is also considered destructive as well as renewing life for mankind. The struggles against the storm were worth the price to pay, as the obstacles she had faced earlier, no longer exist.
As they are leaving the event, Rachel turns to her son and says, " You know,that could've been me." James replies by saying, "I know...and where would that have left me...?" (157). This is one of the most crucial points in the book. Rachel acknowledges that she has indeed changed and has accomplished her goal: to leave behind her old life and start a new one. Not only does she come to terms with her past. Rachel also recognizes that if she had taken the "road more often traveled", the outcomes of her own life and her son's would definitely not have been the same. Because of her choice to take the "road less traveled", her life and her son's life were both affected for the greater good of their own
Rachel now sees people in two different ways, she says, "People who look like me and people who don't look like me” (Durrow 9). She also said, “I'm not the color of my skin. I'm a story. One with a past and a future unwritten.”
Sam, Quinn and Astrid are trying to figure out what is going on. They go to Quinn’s house to find his parents, but they are gone. Next, they go to Astrid’s house. Her parents are also gone, along with her little brother. Finally, the go to Sam’s house. Sam’s mother is also gone, but he finds her diary in her computer that has some interesting things in it that could explain why people have disappeared.
Rachel took her arm away from his but still walked close to him. Then he had cried out "Rachel! Do you not love me? Is not my love for you as sacred as anything in all of life itself?" Rachel was quiet. They passed a street lamp. Her face was pale and beautiful. He had made a movement to grab her arm and she had moved a little farther from him. "No," she had replied. He then said "Some time--when I am more worthy?" he had asked in low voice, but she did not hear him, she did not even say goodnight and went into her house.
Although their situation makes the reduction of uncertainty a lot more difficult because for Channing he remembers all the stuff they once did together, but Rachel cannot seem to place any remembrance on what they were like. She keeps remembering who she used to be before she met him, which was a completely different person. This causes him to get very frustrated with her, and this in turn puts a strain on them continuing of the reduction of uncertainty. There is a scene in the film where Channing takes Rachel out on a date and he brings her to all the places that they shared special moments at; where they first met, first date, and a ritual they would always do once a month. During this date the couple was able to talk and began to restart their relationship. I was able to see that from their communication it began to break the barrier between the couple, and allowed them to start to grow some feelings towards one another again. Where as in the film “Meet the Parents” the verbal communication between the father and the possible son-in-law they both do not know each other so everything is completely new about one another. I found that verbal communication actually decreased the chance of reducing the uncertainty between the two. For example the more they talked and learned about one another the more the conversation started to change because it helped them realize that they
In this episode, he reveals his emotional and sensitive side as he attempts to console a tearful Dr. Cuddy who was struggling with maternity. He returns to her house later on in the episode and attempts to cheer her up by bringing Dr. Cuddy an age-enhanced photograph of a teenage Rachel. He tries to get her to understand that the motherly love develops over time. He then admits that the photograph came with the frame and was not Rachel.
Rachel decides to tell the news to Ross, but Ross is not taking the news well. Furthermore, we see Ross is being awfully distressed in this situation and surprised by Rachel’s pregnancy. Ross is experiencing cognitive dissonance because he thinks that he and Rachel were being cautious and he did not want to have a baby with Rachel as it was not planned and had not had a previous romantic relationship with each other. Nevertheless the pregnancy occurred, she wound up pregnant which led to the feeling of discomfort. Ross’s discomfort and tension left him feeling uncomfortable that could possibly effect his ego and self confidence and could make him feeling self conscious and because of that he is feeling
For example, when Rachel loses herself when challenged by the teacher Mrs.Price. For instance when Mrs.Price says “ Of course it’s yours I remember you wearing it once. “Because she’s older and the teacher, she’s right and I’m not. This shows how Rachel's
“The Storm” is not only the title of the short story, but it is also part of the main setting that