
Ihs Jasper Chase Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Crystal Robinson
ENGL 1003
Final Essay

Jasper Chase is a young successful Author who is a resident of a small close nit college town named Raymond. Jasper has one successful book and is said to be working on a new novel. He also attended the First Church of Raymond where he accepted from the Rev Henry Maxwell to pledge himself, earnestly and honestly, for an entire year, not to do anything without first asking the question, ‘What would Jesus do?’ and after asking that question to yourself to do as you think Jesus would. Jasper Chase had fame and fortune but what he was truly searching for was love and acceptance. Jasper Chase has a personal transformation that is not a particularly good one.

Jasper Chase is in love with …show more content…

Why should I try to conceal any longer what you have seen me look? You know I love you as my life. I can no longer hide it from you if I would."
The first sign he had of her rejection was the trembling of Rachel's arm in his. She had allowed him to speak and had neither turned her face toward him nor away from him. She had looked straight on and her voice was sad but firm and quiet when she spoke.
"Why do you speak to me now? I cannot bear it--after what we have seen tonight."
"Why--what--" he had stammered and then was silent.
Rachel took her arm away from his but still walked close to him. Then he had cried out "Rachel! Do you not love me? Is not my love for you as sacred as anything in all of life itself?" Rachel was quiet. They passed a street lamp. Her face was pale and beautiful. He had made a movement to grab her arm and she had moved a little farther from him. "No," she had replied. He then said "Some time--when I am more worthy?" he had asked in low voice, but she did not hear him, she did not even say goodnight and went into her house.

Before her vow to the church Rachel favored Jasper and thought that she could possibly fall in love with him but after taking the pledge at church Jasper becomes less attractive to her. Rachel now believed that Jasper’s vow was insincere. All summer Jasper had been writinghis novel. The book was almost done now. He had been very focused on his

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