
The Harris Early Learning Center

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The Harris Early Learning Center, which opened in 1995 and is currently operated by Auburn University and home to an estimated two hundred children pre-formal school age children is the facility in which I conducted my observations for EEC 300. Prior to beginning my observations, I visited the center’s website in order to obtain a greater understanding of their mission and gain insight as to how they operate. The website, albeit, simple is quite effective at providing information to parents and welcoming them. Among the features of the website is a section dedicated to the parents and provides vital information such as a generic calendar, newsletter and family resources. The school newsletter, accessible via download, offered helpful tips for students struggling with anxiety as they adjust to their new school year, a list of upcoming events and a “parent representative group” meeting schedule. The parent representative group sought to find parents opting to be an integral part of their child’s learning. This group hoped to ensure parents were proactive at home and invested in how the classroom was managed by seeking out new ideas which would help the individual teachers teach effectively. Furthermore, the website including a resource section which provided links to seminars, at-home educational strategies and miscellaneous tools for parents with young children.
I was assigned to observe a class comprised primarily of four year preschoolers; room 102. These students had a

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