
Child Development Center Observation

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The center in which I am conducting observations at is the Metro Gateway Child Development Center. The director of the center is Kelly Magallanes and the assistant director is Kristen Krauss. The child development center serves about seventy students; public center. I will be assessing the toddler room for the ITERS observation; the lead teacher of the classroom is Ms. Rose and the assistant teacher is Ms. Sonia. There are eight toddlers in total.
Space and Furnishings, Score: 4.4 I gave the space and furnishing an overall score of 4.4. I gave the center a score of 4.4 because I felt that the classroom needed to be more colorful, better organized-some things were cluttered and the space available was being misused. The room is facilitated with appropriate and child size furniture such as, tables, chairs, shelves and pretend play kitchen furniture. The space area where children free play, plus circle time is carpeted but it lacks a cozy area or soft toys for the toddlers to relax or play with. The classroom is decorated with artwork the toddlers have done and …show more content…

I gave the center a score of 5.33 because there were not as many visible books but every time I was there the staff was very active with the toddlers. They would come in free play, and then every one was engaged in “circle time”, in which the teacher reads books to the toddlers. Books like Dr. Seuss and Brown Bear and the teacher did not just read it but she always called for toddlers to participate, by saying, “oh, what’s next?”. After reading toddlers would be engaged in singing nursery rhymes not just I English but in Spanish too. i would have liked to see a book shelf filled with books, I estimate I only saw about fifteen books, which was disappointing. During free play, teachers sit with the toddlers and play with them and ask questions of what they doing, pretending to be or building, plus they add words and use simple vocabulary toddlers can

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