
The Harmful Effects Of Smoking Cigarettes

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Tobacco is widely used by people around the world. It’s so addicting that many people cannot prevent themselves from smoking. The reason is because of a toxin called nicotine. Nicotine can be found in all tobacco products. Prior to research, researchers have found that nicotine changes the way the brain works, also when a person smokes tobacco they not only consume nicotine, but also over 600 chemicals including tar, ammonia, acetone, lead, methanol, and more ("What 's In a Cigarette?"). Many of those chemicals are poisonous and at least 69 of them can cause cancer (Pietrangelo). The nicotine as well as over 600 chemicals are very harmful for the body, however the fact it’s harmful doesn’t stop people from smoking. Many people will argue smoking is very beneficial. They would seek tobacco cigarettes because it relieves stress, makes them look attractive and cool, and reduces their hunger, and much more. The positive effects of smoking may seem beneficial, but the negative effects make a greater impact in your life and body.
Tobacco smoking effects a person’s life in many ways; it can effect a person physically and mentally. Tobacco can damage inner organs including: the brain, heart, lungs, mouth, and throat, as well as the outer organs including the skin, hair, and nails. To begin with, let’s clear something about smoking. Many people will argue smoking relieves stress, but studies conducted at the London School of Medicine and Dentistry proven it was a myth (O’Conner). The

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