
The Gospel Of Love Vs. The Book Of John

Decent Essays

How is it that someone could love us so much that he sent his flesh and blood to be brutally murdered for our wrong doings? How can love be more than a simple expression? The love of God in Christ is the greatest invitation for nonbelievers to hear the gospel message. No other book of the Bible declares God’s love, greatest sacrifice of love, and the greatest gift of love, more than the book of John. John is often referred to as the “Gospel of Love,” John not only emphasizes God’s love for the world, but also Christ’s love and compassion for His disciples. However, our separation and blindness from seeing the unconditional love of God, is sin. Sin results in the breakdown of both our divine and human relationships, making us incapable of loving the way God intended. Sin has turned the greatest commandments about loving God and our neighbors on their head, so that instead of being God-centered, we have become self-centered. This paper will …show more content…

This relationship describes the love that both the Father and Jesus have for us as well. “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love” (NIV John 15:9). As their love exceeds any amount of love we could ever give, giving our all to God is the greatest sacrifice we can make. As Jesus spoke his testimony to the Pharisees, they asked, “Where is your father?” Jesus replied, “You do not know me or my father. “If you knew me, you would know my Father also” (NIV John 8:19). This made it very clear that to know Jesus is to know the Father. To say the least Jesus is the way to the Father, the way, the truth, and the life. What we see reflected in the life of Christ is the heart of the Father. The love, compassion, and caring we so readily relate to in Christ is also the same love, compassion, and caring that comes from the Father. There is no

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