
Essay about The Goals of Christian Counseling

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Original Assumptions of Professional Clinical Counseling
At the beginning of the semester, the framework for professional clinical counseling was presented during the class session. The objective was to study what the world calls “counseling” and how it is designed to provide the correct treatment to these people. The professional clinical model calls for a trained professional to handle the catharsis of the client in a controlled environment on the basis of a fiduciary relationship. Deliberate and guided questions are asked from the therapist to encourage catharsis. Once the professional compiles sufficient evidence via resources and intuitivism, a treatment plan would be prescribed. The client has a choice of accepting the treatment or …show more content…

The professional clinical model in the psychiatry/medical world is the ideal model. However, the professional is allowed to develop his/her own model of counseling that meets the regulations of the State and the medical world. The secular view of the professional clinical model has been condensed to represent a basic fiduciary relationship placed within a box that is supervised and regulated by outside authorities. The nature of this counseling relationship does not include religious beliefs or does it involve the Scriptures as a resource. Harold Bullock (2003) expounds on this matter, “In the contemporary Western world, we have reduced the concept of god to “no god at all.” We do not want to bow our knees to any god. So, we have concocted a mixture of science and pseudo-science to explain how everything came to being without any god behind it. Morally, we have decided that we human beings can be and do whatever we want.” Science becomes the primary authority in which all “valid” knowledge is accepted. What the world considers to be the ideal model of counseling contrasts from what the Scriptures consider counseling to be.
Theological Assumptions for Christian Counseling
Highlighting some theological assumptions that are critical for Christian counseling will be done in this section. The term counseling should be considered in the broadest of definitions such as counselor, helper, advocate, giving advice, teacher, and one who is called

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