
The Giver Coming Of Age Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Maturing is an part of life it's essential to be a good adult. Can you imagine a life without mature people?The Giver is written by Lois Lowry.The Giver is a dystopia and utopia mixed coming of age book.The community is very rare presented as a perfect utopia but it has many dark secrets.The Giver is an coming of age story because Jonas matures and gains wisdom throughout the story. Jonas gains wisdom from the giver when he gives him memories of color and feelings.Jonas was ¨frustrated by his inability to grasp and describe exactly what had occurred.¨This shows that Jonas wasn't very smart and didn't have a lot of wisdom before he went to the giver.After he visits the giver and he receives color and more feelings.This make him more wise because he can now describe his feelings and teach people about them.The other people in the community can't describe feelings and objects based on color like jonas can making him wiser.This shows that Jonas gets wiser from the giver. Jonas gains maturity from his school and his family.Asher”remained standing to make his public apology as was required.”This shows the community focuses on maturity and respect.This means …show more content…

He makes it clear to Asher and Fiona that the war game is cruel and it represents something that isn't a joke.Jonas also says he remembers playing the game when he was younger and now that he knows what the game is based on he doesn't want to play making him very mature. The Giver is a coming-of-age story because jonas receives wisdom and mature throughout the story.He got his wisdom and maturity from the giver and his family unit and school.This can be connected to real world to show how you have to grow up and you can't be childish

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