We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man’s gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith. If it is serving, let him serve; if it is teaching let him teach; if it is encouraging, let him encourage; if it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously; if it is leadership, let him govern diligently…
—Romans 12; 6-8
Leadership is an influence relationship between leaders and followers who intend real changes and outcomes that reflect their shared purposes.
The explanation would be, influence is involved in leadership. Leadership is reciprocal, in many organization the superiors influences their subordinates but in some organization subordinates influences their superiors. Leadership involves creating change and the changes are towards the outcome which the leaders and followers both want. An important aspect would be influencing others to follow a common vision. Leadership is a people activity. Since leadership involves people, there are followers. Every individual who has a great skill and is expertise in their field is a leader for example musician, scientist, etc. In the leadership process follower is very essential. Those who are a good leader knows how to follow, it’s when they set an example for others.
There’s one stereotype belief that the leaders are different and they are above all. But the thing is the amount of qualities needed for an effective leadership is as same as for effective
Leadership is all about influence. It is motivating and inspiring followers to engage in a vision. Leadership brings together the
Leadership is “the fusion of heart and mind, selfless action, encourage betterment of others, and to make a difference. It is the process of influencing
Leadership is the ability of an individual or and organisation, to influence other individuals and its team to achieve a desired outcome. Influence is a very under-rated aspect of leadership. No individual would follow a person who does not have
There are many ways to define leadership, but perhaps the most laconic as well as accurate definition is presented in Peter G. Northouse's Leadership: Theory and Practice book (Northouse, 2013, p.5): "Leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal". Individuals, engaged in leadership, use influence to solve challenges, which the groups under their leadership face, in order to succeed in their common goals.
What is leadership? Leadership by definition is the ability of an individual or organization to guide other individuals, teams, or organizations. Without leadership many would just follow one another's actions like blind sheep. Many of the powerful shifts in American history were started by men and women who made the decision to guide and instruct one another rather than being a follower.
All leaders share a common trait. The ability to influence other people to do what you want is essential
One definition of leadership states that it is a process by which a group is influenced and directed by a particular member of the group to reach a common goal (Northouse 2010). Many other definitions exist, suggesting that it is a concept as fluid and individual as leaders themselves (Curtis et al. 2011).
According to Business, leadership is defined as the individuals who are the leaders in an organization, regarded collectively. It also can be define as the activity of leading a group of people or an organization or the ability to do this. Leadership involves the establishing of a clear vision, sharing the vision with other so that they will follow willingly, providing the needed information, knowledge, and methods to realize the vision and coordinating and balancing the conflicts interests of all members and stakeholders.
Leadership is defined as the ability to obtain followers (Maxwell). Obtaining a following is dependent on one's influence on others. Essentially, everyone influences someone, whether one intentionally influences a
In simple words, Leadership can be defined as a quality developed by an individual over time to lead a group of people or to guide a group of people or team to achieve a common goal.
Leadership is an approach for a leader to guide, motivate, supervise, manage, and influence others in different situation to reach a goal. According to the Pettinger (2007), the leadership can be explained in several situations. First, the leaders have the responsible to provide vision and direction to the followers. Second, the leaders shall energise and motivate the followers. Third, the leaders shall set and enforce absolute standards of behaviour, attitude, presentation and performance.
Leadership is the ability or authority to guide and direct others towards achievement of goal without force that leaves them feeling empowered and accomplished. Besides, leader has a significant impact on ethical decision making. This is because leaders have the power to motivate others and enforce the organization norms and policies as well as their own viewpoint. Leadership involves establishing a clear vision, sharing that vision with others, providing the information, knowledge and methods to realize that vision, coordinating
The key components of this definition are that leadership is based on influence, not power or authority. Leadership requires followers, but
Leadership is the process of influencing individuals or a group of individuals by providing purpose, direction with the support of others, and motivating those individuals with the purpose of accomplishing a certain obligation which is helpful to all individual that is involved.
For a quick review, the definition of leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group or individuals, to achieve a common goal.