In this introductory chapter, I present a brief background discussion on the general context of my research within the educational technology research, specifically within AIED research and doc-toral studies. Next, I state my research problem statement before enumerating the research ques-tions I propose to explore. I then provide a delineation of my solution methodology for pursuing this proposed research: use of simulation. Finally, I conclude the chapter with an outline of my proposed research thesis goals and objectives and the organization of this thesis proposal. 1.1 Introduction Most consequential learning goals are achieved over long-term periods often measured in years. In order to promote effective and efficient learning in such …show more content…
Focus on a learner-first approach [13] is AIED third attribute. As a result, personalization of learning environments has been one of AIED’s most important research trends. Studies attest that personalization improves attainment of learning goals by learners. The key is the one-to-one relationship between learners and the source of their support; and more specifically how the support styles are in accordance with learners’ learning styles and preferred support styles [17], [18]. One of the earliest threads of research that is central to the success of personalization is modeling of all key elements in a learning environment [6], [15], [16]. Personalization requires attentive modeling of learning agents (learner, mentors), resources (learning objects), and the learning en-vironment. Santos et al. [6] provide a more detailed outline of the various dimensions affecting support for personalization in learning systems; their work focused on research published be-tween the years 2011 and 2016. These dimensions include application scope, interaction and technological devices, and educational domains. In a succinct preamble [13] to the IJAIED 25th Anniversary Issue focusing on AIED research direction for the next 25 years, it is clear that modeling as a research thread will still be part of AIED future research with more focus in per-sonalization [19] and understanding of learners and learning experiences through evaluation [20], [21]. The importance of evaluation of
Great outline and arranging, while pivotal for each kind of training system, are significantly more imperative for e-learning tasks (Asirvatham, Venkatachalam, & Kapa, 2013). In traditional training, the biggest exertion is in the conveyance of training sessions, while in e-learning, it is in the configuration and development of organized materials, which must act naturally contained and ready to be utilized various times without making progressing alterations. There are numerous instructional frameworks outline models, a large portion of which are based on well-known ones, for example, the ADDIE model, which is diagrammed beneath. The ADDIE model incorporates five stages: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation.
Setting Instructional Direction. My interest in Instructional Design began during my first year of teaching when I had poor classroom management skills and looked for solutions to managing a disruptive classroom. I learned that I was in charge of my classroom, the kids’ behavior was up to me, and the easiest way to have a smooth classroom was to design lessons that did not allow for off-task behavior and to deliver those lessons with strong instructional strategies. Because it was up to me to engage my students in their own learning, I had to find instructional strategies that worked for my kids, and I’ve spent the past 18 years continuing to do so. The result has been my passion for teaching and learning.
As another work week approaches, many teachers struggle with how they are going to accommodate to many of their student’s needs within the classroom; however, with adequate planning and the amazing ability of technology today I will succeed. As my third graders scurry into the classroom they immediately feel the atmosphere with laughing and a sense of innocence. On the outside they all look like a normal 8 year old who loves recess and intriguing science projects; however, their learning ability is vastly different which is where different learning resources come in to play.
1984: one computer per every 92 students. 2008: one computer for every 8 students. Technology is everywhere, entwined in almost every part of our lives and is growing at an increasingly rapid rate. It affects how we shop, socialize, connect, play, and most importantly learn. With its great and increasing presence in our lives, it only makes sense to have technology in the classroom.
ELL students usually arrive to class with a variety of academic abilities. Teachers can use technology to personalize learning by developing individualized learning plans and resources that addresses and meets the needs of students with varying academic skills. Some of the benefits of using technology in the classroom is scaffolding lessons, which allows the advanced student to progress at his own pace while offering support to the beginning
Growing from this universal design notion stemmed the idea of Universal Design for Learning (UDL). Thus, in a UDL learning environment, it is an environment unimpeded for all learners regardless of any disability or label such as LD or ELL. The Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST) purports in their 2011 document “Universal Design for Learning Guidelines version 2.0”, that such learning environments should center on the “How” of learning examining strategic differentiated learning for the classroom; the “What” of learning with the wide range of assessment options available to teachers and students; and the “Why” of learning providing the purpose of learning and engagement in the learning process.
Once we can identify the learner’s needs then planning the sessions can have purpose and direction. According to Francis and Gould (2009:59) it is important to “give purpose and direction to your planning”. When teaching a course on computers to absolute beginners, a teacher may want to help learners gain the knowledge and skills to use a computer which they can use at work or home. One of the tools that can help to make sure this learning objective is achieved is SMART which is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time bound. It makes sense to describe what is to be learned, what can be done as a result, using various methods to teach it, how useful would it be to help learners now and in the future and how long it will take to achieve.
The learning design has an array of unique supports. The variables include, but are not just limited to: teachers, assistant principals, cafeteria workers, counselors, and parents. You, along with these integral features, must prepare students to successfully graduate from high school and from college. Therefore, you must ensure they leave their high school with a burning interest to pursue higher education, and a compelling urge to become productive citizens.
265). Incorporating how students would like to receive instruction matched to their learning styles and strengths will increase student motivation to succeed. It is important for me as the teacher to know what instructional strategies work with each student. When students are presented with information in a manner they feel comfortable with they will be less likely to misbehave during class time.
Technology has revolutionized the human experience by changing the way one learns. Technology can best be defined as a tool that supports and promotes human learning. This can be seen through the usage of calculators, tablets (example: iPad), Smart Boards, video cameras, and, of course, the computer. These are all innovations that can have a profound impact on classroom learning. Although there are some schools that have a strict policy that technology should be removed from the modern day classroom, other schools believe that integrating technology into the classroom helps prepare our students for the elaborate world they will face going forward. Throughout this essay, I will be focusing on the technology policy and how it has a positive
Modern technology has penetrated every aspect of our lives and made great impacts on our daily activities, especially in the area of education. The continuous infusion of technology in education has become an unchangeable tendency. Given the increased use of technology in education, much research has been done on the value of technology in education. However, none of the studies have answered all of the questions that are essential to determining whether continuous infusion of new technologies in education can improve the quality of education. Since a clear answer to this question is vital to help educational organizations to make decisions on how much
There is much in the literature regarding the use of technology in education. According to Dede (2009), Banister (2010), Peled and Schocken (2014), my topic can be characterized as technology in education is an effective tool for motivating student engagement, increasing academic success, and providing new environments for students to learn. Thus, the more technology that is incorporated in a students’ earlier grades, the more inclined they will be to prefer that type of instruction in their latter years. It is an important topic with respect to education because the wave of new technology is increasing at rate never before seen in the field of education. These articles track the study of technology use in the field, and how they are beneficial for my study of technology in education. All of the articles support the idea of the use of technology in education, and each represent a different aspect in which technology can improve a child’s education.
The education system around the world has progressed and changed in a plentiful amount of ways, and the concept of knowledge and learning has changed in modern day. For example, certain schools around the globe are moving on to implementing technology in classrooms because it provides many benefits and statistical research that states how students are improving their academic readiness because of the instant access to information, a greater engagement and interactive process in learning, and the personalization that instructors can do towards the educational experience that students receive. The benefits of technology in class can be rather debatable, for there are people who think it's a distraction, but it certainly seems to be beneficial according to the increase of passing percentages in schools.
On a daily basis, both businesses and individuals rely on technology. It cannot be denied that technology has become part of our everyday life. As individuals, we all depend on technology, either for education, health purposes, transportation, communication, romantic relationships, and/or business growth . It is impossible to explore how each advancement in technology has impacted our lives as well as how it will impact the future, but we can briefly explore the major advancements. Technology impacts the environment, people individually, and the society as a whole.
John Dewey, a leader for the progressive movement in education in the United States once said, “If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow.”