
The Functional Theory Of Education

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1.0 Introduction
Functional theory or functionalism explains that society and institution in a community are dependent to one another. This is to ensure the stabilization, harmony, evolution as well as sustainability of society. Functional approach could be said as the body parts in which every part has its own roles and they are dependent to one another for a body to function properly. Society is seen as a system; interconnected together to form a whole. There is a relationship between all these parts and agents of socialization and together they all contribute to the maintenance of society as a whole.
Functionalists argue that education is the most important part in society. To them, if the school system works properly, the society will function properly too because education is a key component of a social body (Parsons, 1951). Durkheim is the first sociologist to apply this theory in his research of education. He related the functions of school to deliver knowledge and expected behavior for a wellbeing of a society (1961).
In this writing, I will view education through four important aspects stressed in the functional theory. According to this theory, education plays important roles in fulfilling a society’s various need. Ballantine and …show more content…

Functionalism proponents argued that education teaches individuals with specific skills which later will be essential and required for their career. This function is important in today’s society as the complex job market is now requires special skills and knowledge among the workers. Rather than a pass-down parents to children tradition, occupational skills are now must be learnt through formal education. Hence, schools provide an important function in the future of workforce by offering various subjects to cater to the diversity of specific skills needed by industries, which are necessary for

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