
Juno Essay

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Teenage pregnancies have been looked down upon in society throughout the years, and when races become a factor, society tends to perceive them in a much more harsh manner. The movie Juno portrays the pregnancy of a teenage white girl and how society treats her. With her choice to continue her pregnancy, and give the child up for adoption, allows Juno to discover the girl that she is. This movie is seen as Juno’s coming of age story, which doesn't necessarily have to mean puberty, this is more of how she transforms into adulthood. Her pregnancy takes her on a journey of self-discovery. Hollywood portrays this teenage pregnancy in a comedic way that entertains the audience yet informs them about the realness of teenage pregnancy. Luttrell states, “The media flurry surrounding these events featured warnings that ‘celebrity culture’ is endangering young women’s minds, glamorizing teen pregnancy when it used to be stigmatizing”(Luttrell 4). Luttrell emphasizes the large influence that the celebrity culture has a on young women and how by making something acceptable or unacceptable in their world, young women become misguided.
There are four perspectives on the teenage pregnancy problems, which are wrong-girl, wrong-family, stigma-is-wrong, and wrong-society perspective (Luttrell 3). The commonality between these four perspectives is the center of blame when it comes to teenage pregnancies. In Juno’s case it was the “wrong- girl perspective” in which she did not follow the

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