Teenage pregnancies have been looked down upon in society throughout the years, and when races become a factor, society tends to perceive them in a much more harsh manner. The movie Juno portrays the pregnancy of a teenage white girl and how society treats her. With her choice to continue her pregnancy, and give the child up for adoption, allows Juno to discover the girl that she is. This movie is seen as Juno’s coming of age story, which doesn't necessarily have to mean puberty, this is more of how she transforms into adulthood. Her pregnancy takes her on a journey of self-discovery. Hollywood portrays this teenage pregnancy in a comedic way that entertains the audience yet informs them about the realness of teenage pregnancy. Luttrell states, “The media flurry surrounding these events featured warnings that ‘celebrity culture’ is endangering young women’s minds, glamorizing teen pregnancy when it used to be stigmatizing”(Luttrell 4). Luttrell emphasizes the large influence that the celebrity culture has a on young women and how by making something acceptable or unacceptable in their world, young women become misguided.
There are four perspectives on the teenage pregnancy problems, which are wrong-girl, wrong-family, stigma-is-wrong, and wrong-society perspective (Luttrell 3). The commonality between these four perspectives is the center of blame when it comes to teenage pregnancies. In Juno’s case it was the “wrong- girl perspective” in which she did not follow the
The term “Teen Pregnancy” was rarely heard or talked about previous to the mid 70’s and Now is consider an epidemic globally. Teen pregnancy refers to women between 13 and 19 years of age, who have not yet reached childbearing age and are still physically and mentally undeveloped to have children. During the early 70’s and middle 80’s teen pregnancies rates reached a peak to uncontrollable numbers. But this social issue has its origins in the 1950’s. Several significant social changes during the late 50s and early 60s such as the “Women’s Rights Movement”, the creation of the anti-conceptive pill , “The Gay liberation movement” of the late 1960s among others, brought along, long-lasting effects that still affect the current American
According to the National Center for Health Statistics, 86 percent of mothers who give birth out-of-wedlock are teenagers. MTV’s show “16 & Pregnant,” which has only been on air since June 2009, is already reflecting the rapid boom in teenage pregnancy across various cities in America. Since the early eighties MTV has been considered somewhat of a cultural phenomenon for American adolescents and its depiction of gender has a strong impact that continues to this day (Holtzman 2000). Created by Morgan J. Freeman (director of teen shows Dawson’s Creek and Laguna Beach), the show “16 & Pregnant” has been said to be guilty of exacerbating, normalizing and even glorifying teen pregnancy. Perhaps, it’s just reflecting a current social dilemma
In the motion picture The Pregnancy Pact a group of high school girls, no older than sixteen, make a pact to become pregnant. Their goal, instead of graduating together, was to have only girls and raise them together. Throughout the movie the girls make references to the pregnant Jamie-Lynn Spears and the movie Juno stating that being fifteen or sixteen and pregnant was the most glamorous thing that could happen to them and not one thing would top being pregnant. This didn't end that way though. Instead the girls realized that having a child so young is not a walk in the park. The media’s perception of teenage pregnancy has changed over time from being a social taboo to a glamorous after school activity. This change
Teenage pregnancy is linked to many critical social issues, such as poverty, lack of education, out-of-wedlock births, health issues, education, child welfare, and overall child well-being. These issues have been a social problem for decades, but it wasn’t until recent years when it emerged from being social invisibility to becoming an urgent crisis. “In 1995, in his State of the Union address, President Bill Clinton singled out teenage
Based on the readily available images broadcast from films, MTV and other mass media, one might assume that the teen pregnancy epidemic is on the rise. In one respect, this health risk condition has rarely been more culturally visible than it is right now. However, it does bear noting that teen pregnancy has actually been on the decline in the United States over the last two decades. According to the source provided by Sheets (2012), "from 1990 to 2008, the teen pregnancy rate decreased 42 percent (from 117 to 68 pregnancies per 1,000 teen girls)."
The form I have chosen to use in order to depict my satirical piece about teenage pregnancy is that of a Teen Vogue magazine. I chose this form due to the fact that it is a well-known magazine for teenagers. I also chose this due to the fact that Teen Vogue and many other women’s magazines comprise of stereotypical, unrealistic, naïve and irrational content aimed towards female that can be, in a sense, highly demeaning.
Teenage pregnancy and parenthood are often seen as strictly negative and problematic, with the moral panic surrounding them only growing as media and government play a role in perpetuating these ideas of negativity surrounding them. Though it is a contentious issue, what are often ignored are the underlying causes of the social phenomena that are teenage pregnancy and parenthood. The experiences of poverty and social exclusion by many pregnant teens and teen parents have not been proven to be more severe than what these young people were experiencing before, so it brings into question the validity of the moral panic as well as the aims of programs meant to decrease teen pregnancy and parenthood. Looking at teen pregnancy and parenthood, first
Teen pregnancy is a controversial issue that Americans are facing in society today. The problematic behavior that comes along with teen pregnancy is a cultural phenomenon that exists on many domains. A bulk of the teenage population is starting to believe that teen pregnancy is customary and okay. A persons’ background has a lot to say about how weakly or strongly this norm is enforced. Although it is difficult to get a full variation of pregnancy norms in high schools across the nation, the three main aspects that influence teen pregnancy are race, religion, and social status.
After watching the movie Juno I was left with utter admiration for the central character Juno because she is a confident and intelligent teenager . Directed by Jason Reitman Juno is a movie about a girl who falls pregnant at the age of 16 to her best friend, Bleeker. Juno played by Ellen Page is portrayed as a teenage misfit who confronts her unplanned pregnancy by deciding to keep her baby and give it away for adoption. Diablo Cody wrote the film based on many of her own high school experiences and those of a close friend who was pregnant in high school and Diablo’s husband was also adopted. This movie explores the issues for teenagers around an unplanned pregnancy, love, peer pressure and responsibility which
Many believe the children are solely responsible for their carelessness that results in early pregnancy. Looking at this problem more broadly, one can see all of the social changes that influence teen pregnancy. For example, the media promotes sex and relationships. According to the RAND Health researcher, Jeffrey Wasserman, children ages 12-18 who saw the most sex on television were twice as likely to initiate intercourse within the next year as to those who saw the least amount of sex in the media (2017). Many television shows and movies contain sexual scenes, but most of them don’t explain the risks of sexual activity. Moreover, teen pregnancy has become more widely accepted. While many still believe it’s wrong, this problem has become unfortunate but acceptable. With shows like 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom, the mass media even rewards these teenages for their early pregnancies. The acceptance of early pregnancy has increased, but people are still embarrassed to talk about sex to children and teenagers. Teen pregnancy can be prevented, and it starts with a change in
In the early 90’s, studies have shown that teen pregnancies occur on a regularly basis and has been severely increasing (Newsweek: Birth rates in U.S, 1991-96). As a result, this brings out a wrong impression of women to society.
While many people are inclined to express indifference regarding this concept, teen pregnancy is one of the most controversial topics in the contemporary society. This experience can be devastating for some individuals, as the fact that they are raw makes it difficult for them to effectively deal with the problem. Society becomes more stressing and most teens who become pregnant come to express feelings related to shame and fear. The fact that these individuals are hesitant about letting their parents know that they are pregnant contributes to their problems and finding help sometimes becomes an impossible mission. Lack of life experience materializes into a more severe type of stress, endangering both the mother and the child.
A topic in American society that has proved to be an ongoing, and growing issue is that none other than teen pregnancy. In recent years, teen pregnancy rates have been increasing, which ultimately led to the topics increase of public and media attention. In American society teen pregnancy is often associated with negligence, as well as being irresponsible. In American society sex education for children is underdeveloped and instead society tends to use fear and shame to highlight/combat the dangers of unsafe or underage sex. American society uses fear to instill the idea that if you become pregnant as a teenager you are a burden to society. Along with fear society loves to shame its young women who have unfortunately stumbled upon the
Like Amy and Loeber (2009), when it comes to the ecological paradigm of teenage pregnancy, Corcoran, Franklin, and Bennett (2000) also believe one’s socioeconomic status is a huge factor that contributes to this problem. A person’s socioeconomic status a lot of times determines “education, expanded family size, single-parent household structure, and lessened resources in terms of employment and income.” These three authors claim that educational performance and goals “dictate the potential costs of child bearing at a young age.” Their studies have also shown that teenage girls’ relationships with the school setting and poorer performance in school serve a greater risk for adolescent pregnancy.
Teen pregnancy is a very controversial social issue and the vast majority of Americans consider the outrageous rate of teen pregnancies a severe issue, certainly a problematic occurrence that is believed to be a moral decline in our country. Teenagers are physiologically capable of reproducing but not emotionally or financially prepared to be parents at such a tender age. Through various research studies a plethora of determinants has pin pointed teens unprecedented pregnancies. One cause of this problem is the apparent indication of social separation or disadvantage. Within this issue you would find poverty, single parent households, educational disadvantages on the parents behalf, a lack family/parental support, and unemployment. A child’s educational performance, inappropriate sexual acts, and inferior apprehensions about their futures play a vital role in teen pregnancies as well. Amongst the listed disadvantages the three that take precedent are lacks of family communication, sexual abuse, and poverty. Furthermore, teen mothers do not fit the ideal ideology of the normative scheduling of motherhood, therefore, ultimately resulting in negative consequences for them and society. What needs to be understood is, as to why the numbers of teens are becoming parents at such a vernal age.