
Satirical Analysis Of Teenage Pregnancy

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The form I have chosen to use in order to depict my satirical piece about teenage pregnancy is that of a Teen Vogue magazine. I chose this form due to the fact that it is a well-known magazine for teenagers. I also chose this due to the fact that Teen Vogue and many other women’s magazines comprise of stereotypical, unrealistic, naïve and irrational content aimed towards female that can be, in a sense, highly demeaning.
There are two contexts within my satirical piece. The first is in relation to the increasing occurrence of teenage pregnancy in Australia. The second is in relation to the constant horrid behaviour certain women have that jeopardise the baby’s health at birth which could lead to premature birth. This …show more content…

This is why I used realistic problems in today’s society and criticised it with futile tips in order to get the point across in a humorous manner.
I also attempt to highlight the immaturity and completely atrocious demeanour of the current society’s teenagers that believe that smoking, drinking and drug taking is completely normal while pregnant. As well as highlighting the actions of teens it also highlights the amount of self-respect they have for themselves which is quite low.
The target audience for this satirical Teen Vogue guide is mainly towards teenagers of today’s society that read Teen Vogue often, although it is also aimed towards teens that may simply glimpse through it. This article is not only for teens but it is partially aimed towards parents as well in order to perhaps warn them of the current attitude of today’s teen society around their children. This guide also may target pregnant women in general in order for them to assess the way they are treating their …show more content…

I did this to highlight the inconceivable and preposterous attitudes teenagers currently have when they are pregnant. I chose Teen Vogues style to demean them, as magazines such as this basically tell teenagers how to act and show guides of how to do things such as “Guide to talk to your crush” therefore I used “Guide to taking care of yourself as a preggo teen”. This was done to completely ridicule the pregnant teen and also to ridicule a magazine that basically attempts to dictate how a “typical” teenager should be.
I believe that my satirical piece is primarily Horatian as it continuously ridicules the way pregnant teenagers handle themselves during their pregnancy. It always states all the completely ridiculous activities that are done by a vast majority of pregnant teenagers nowadays that will affect the pregnancy in a harsh manner. It also pokes at the way Teen Vogue use their element of persuasiveness to encourage teens to follow their “guides”. In retrospect, the piece is also quite Juvenalian as it highlights the seriousness of mistreating a pregnancy in a comedic and sarcastic

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