
The Food Of Food Industry

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Additives in Food
People used to appreciate wholesome, nutritious food. These days, the American diet is comprised of primarily processed food. Is health being sacrificed for convenience? What is really in the food that Americans eat? Are all the preservatives and additives hurting consumers more than they are helping? There are definitely benefits to the modern food industry; however, consumers want to be sure that these benefits outweigh the risks associated with this new food technology. Food manufacturers seem to be doing well short term, but consumers do not want to suffer in the long run from all these unnatural additives and processes. These additional chemicals in food may be causing diseases without us realizing it. People spend so much time investigating which TV, car or even house to buy. Certainly, they should spend as much time if not more considering what to fill their shopping carts with at the grocery store. Even though additives help increase food production and food preservation, people should be careful about what they eat and try to avoid unnecessary additives because they are unnatural, unhealthy and compromise the wholesomeness of the food.
Literature Review
Laliberte (n.d.) presented the benefits and risks associated with additives in food and explained that the new food technology is so popular because it is inexpensive, effective, and convenient. People enjoy the ease of ready-made food and the advertising makes it all the more appealing

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