
The Five Stages Of Skills Acquisition In Nursing

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Patricia Benner is popular for creating the five stages of skill acquisition that is applied into nursing. According to Benner (2015), the five stages include novice, advanced beginner, competent, proficient and expert. The novice stage involves a new nurse who had not been exposed to any experience of the situation and relies on rules and instruction of expertise nurses. As the stages progress from novice to expert, the nurse slowly becomes confident in one’s skill and no longer relies on rules. By the time the nurse reaches expert, one will be able to fully understand the clinical situation. Along with the stages of skill acquisition, Benner came up with seven domains that apply to taking care of a patient in a given situation which include, helping, teaching and monitoring the patient and able to act quickly to a change in the patients status. The nurse will also need to ensure good health care practice and meeting patients needs and able to work well as team within the organization (Masters, 2015). Benner’s concept of nursing care is based on her philosophy of person, environment, health and nursing. According to Benner (2015), nursing is a practice that involves caring and creating a good nurse-patient relationship that “is guided by the moral art and ethics of care and responsibility” (p.68). Benner (2015) defines the person as a “self-interpreting being does not come into the world pre-defined but gets defined in the course of living a life” (p.67). Benner (2015)

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