
The Father In Those Winter Sundays By Robert Hayden

Decent Essays

The father in “Those Winter Sundays” by Robert Hayden, was a hardworking man, who worked through the “blueblack cold” weather. His “Cracked hands that ached From labor in the weekday” (3-4) showed the pain he’d go through just to provide for his family. However “No one ever thanked him”(5)
His love was sincere, and and his heart was in the right place. He was taken for granted, but he continued to show his love, even if it went unnoticed.
As the father would wake in the cold, he’d warm the house. He wouldn't do it for himself, he'd do it for his family, for his children. Love can't be measured by the ‘I love you’s” but by the actions you do in order to show your love towards that person. “When the rooms were warm, he’d call, and slowly I would

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