
The Fast Food Drive Through A Social Norm

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Typically a trip to the fast food drive-through is supposed to be a “get you food and go” type of thing. Notice the word “fast” used in the title “fast food.” I thought it might be fun to see how the employees would react to breaking this social norm, so I called some friends to help me. I required a few extra people for this social norm breakage so that I wouldn’t have to pay for all of it. We met up that night, piled into the car, and took a trip to the local Wendy’s restaurant to buy some dinner. The breakage of this social norm was to include several trips through the drive-through for several different orders using two different types of payments. I decided I should also get to know the employee taking our order a little bit by asking …show more content…

He was a bit confused at first, but he told me his name was Kyle. It seemed like a totally normal trip to Wendy’s. I thanked him for his help and drove around the building and up to the speaker again to place the next order.
I ordered the next set of food. He gave us our total and I replied, “Thanks Kyle!” and pulled up to the window again. When we pulled up the second time, Kyle appeared very confused about our return, but he went along with it. This time we paid in cash. We had a short conversation with him while waiting for the food to be done. He gave us the food and we drove around to the speaker again.
Round three. The food was ordered, plus three spoons and a two straws that they forgot to give us in previous orders, and we pulled up to the window again after hearing the total. Upon pulling up to the window this time, there was now a second boy standing with Kyle, both had very confused looks on their faces. We paid with cash again. It looked like the other boy was just there to watch to make sure everything was okay, but not for any other purpose. We had a quick conversation with both of them about work and Kyle handed us the food. We all said thank you to Kyle and we drove away from the window, deciding I bothered them enough and it was time to leave.
Then we realized we had been given a medium fry instead of a medium frosty. We turned around and pulled up to the speaker once again. Before he could say the welcome to Wendy’s spiel, I said into the speaker,

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