
The Effects of Violent Media on Children, Adolescence, and Adults

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The Effects of Violent Media on Children, Adolescence, and Adults
Cheri Burns
August 17, 2011
Mary McWilliams

The Effects of Violent Media on Children, Adolescence, and Adults
Violence in every form of media is a part of daily life. Children of all ages all over the world are being affected by violence in one form or another. This paper is focusing on television and gaming that children are engaged in. There have been many studies looking at this problem and ways to prevent children from being negatively affected. Children at as young as five years old are exhibiting aggressive behavior as a result of seeing violent behavior in cartoons and regular television. Some of these children as they grow up will become more …show more content…

* 58% of kids admit someone has said something mean or hurtful online, more than 4 in 10 have had it happen more than once.
These acts happening are with young children, and it gets worse as they get older. The graphs below are based on 4th graders; imagine when they reach adolescence and adulthood.

(Cyber Bullying: Statistics and Tips, 2011)

Adolescence Adolescence are exposed to several media outlets which may fuel their aggression. Lyrics of a song, television, websites, and gaming are the main sources of entertainment for these young people. Although, they are all considered entertainment, these outlets can be dangerous for our young people’s minds. There have been studies done on these youth primarily from age 14 to 17 due to the rise in violence from people in this age range. This age is difficult to manage, with peer pressure and hormones these kids are very vulnerable. Instead of being outside and doing the activities kids were engaged in before the age of cell phones and internet, these kids are held up in their home feeding their minds with all types of violent media. Teen violence is a problem in America, as well as around the world. While this may be a debated issue, it is very clear to most ordinary people that there is a relation between media and aggressive behavior. “Teen violence erupts in a number of ways. It can be directed at inanimate objects, at other people, at animals, or at the

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