
The Effects Of Soil On The Environment

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In the natural environment, one of the most important elements that constitute it is soil. It contributes greatly to the sustenance of living components as well as influencing their distribution on the world’s surface. Being a habitat provider, soil also controls and regulates the circulation of water as chemical components present within the atmosphere (Nadimi & Farpoor, 2011). Some of the vital gases within the environment also rely on soil for their circulation. The include oxygen and carbon dioxide, which are crucial to the biological and cellular processes within living organisms. Another role carried out by soil includes recording the human activities that occurred in the past up until the recent time. Due to this, soil enriches the cultural essence and heritage of various communities.
From the brief detailed discussion on the importance of soil to the low and higher life forms as well as to the environment, it is important to understand its formation and the factors involved in this process. Soil formation is an intricate process that allows for the development of soil based on several factors, which influence it ( Nadimi & Farpoor, 2011). The paper delves deeper into understanding the process of soil formation and the role each factor plays in determining the overall soil development process and composition. Comprehension of these factors and soil formation process allows the global community to appreciate the environment and equips the society with information

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