
The Effects Of Domestic Violence

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“The NCADV also reports that among all domestic violence victims, 85% are women; on average, one in every four American women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime. Crime statistics also indicate that close to one-third of all female homicide victims were killed by an intimate partner.”( Many people fail to see the psychological effects of spouse abuse and domestic violence, arguing that there aren't any effects of this trauma. It affects everyone who is involved in the issue of domestic violence. In many different resources domestic violence has shown to have a very effective effect of influence on the way someone thinks, act, and reflects on. Domestic violence has many forms. According to Psychology Today, …show more content…

In the book, “A Doll House” by Henrik Ibsen the main character Nora does extremely bold things that make her stand out from the other women. Helmer in a panic quickly decides that the best way to get rid of all his problems is by selling his wife. “ Helmer: It’s so incredible, I just can’t grasp it. But we’ll have to patch up whatever we can. Take off the shawl. I said, take off it off! I’ve got to appease him somehow or other. The thing has to be hushed up at any cost. And as for you everything between us is just as it was to the outside world, that is. You’ll go right on living in this house of course. But you can’t be allowed to bring up the children; I don’t dare trust you with them-oh, to have to say this to someone I’ve loved so much! Well, that’s done with.” He verbally abuses his wife and tries to sell her for his own needs. He didn’t care if, he put her life in danger. Helmer domestically abuses Nora in every way possible during their relationship. He physically, mentally, and emotionally abuses her. He, also, rapes her intimidates, and economically deprives her. In the novel, Helmer tries to have sexual intercourse with Nora. Even though, she repeatedly said no. “ Nora: Go away, Torvald! Leave me alone. I don’t want all this. Helmer: What do you mean? Nora you’re teasing me. You will won’t you? Aren’t I your husband-?” Helmer forces himself upon Nora even though she told him to leave her …show more content…

The most common way to be physically affected by the abuse is to have a bruise from being pulled by the arm too hard. Also, an abused partner deals with the abuse by denying they were abused and cover up for what had happened to them. In the text “Effects of Domestic Violence” it says “ Given the nature of the crime, it is extremely common to retain bruises on the arms from being gripped, broken bones or other physical injuries from abusive incidents. People experiencing domestic violence often cover up their injuries to avoid being questioned by others.” Walking away from domestic violence can be a challenge. Even though, we have natural instincts like fight or flight. The inability to choose either one is a response from the positive behavior that the abuser gave off. The abused partner felt safe in knowing that their partner was sorry. But, eventually the natural instincts kick in. In the article it says “ When a physical danger threatens our control, ability to escape, or is something we can’t stop, we enact a natural instinct for survival. This includes the body summoning a tremendous amount of energy to fight or flee—short circuits. These short circuits ricochet through a person’s body and mind. This can result in shock, dissociation and many other kinds of involuntary responses while the violence is happening.”
In conclusion, domestic violence has tons of effects on a

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