
Long Term Effects Of Domestic Violence

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EFFECTS OF ABUSE Domestic violence has long term and short term effects on victims. “Victims may abuse alcohol or drugs and experience depression, eating disorders, or other types of psychological distress” (Gelles). Long term effects could be that they go through depression, begin to abuse alcohol or drugs, or suffer through eating disorders. Being a victim and if they run they have to be aware of their surroundings to make sure that they are not following them.They might not trust anyone for a long time and that could cause them to go through these things because they do not have anyone to talk to. Drugs and alcohol are both things that could cause someone to abuse others. Around 5-10% of people who have eating disorders do not survive …show more content…

She couldn’t talk to anyone because she didn’t trust anyone and couldn’t tell anyone the truth. Katie had to start a new life, find somewhere else to live, and find a new job. A long term effect for her would be that no matter where she goes she has to make sure that she is watching out to see if he is following her. She will never feel safe around anyone especially around cops because he was a cop and he could have them looking out for her anywhere that she could possibly go. Katie could have stayed for so long in that relationship for many of reasons that were not told in the story but we could introduce some of the reasons why they do stay in the …show more content…

Abusers may not have control and they could have a serious illness, it could be that they are just raised that way, or it could be that they are abusing drugs or alcohol. Abuse is not okay and should be addressed they should feel like they have someone to go to. Everyone should stand by their side even when they try to push people out. Their partner could make them try to lose all of their friends and family so that they have no one to go to. That is a sign of abuse because they wouldn’t just push you out of their life for no reason. It is best to even when they say they want you out of their life you stick around and be aware of their actions and how they appear. If you see unusual marks on them or if they seem as if they are acting differently not themselves try to get them alone and talk to them and let them know that you can help if they let

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