
The Effects Of Day Care On Infants

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It has recently been noted by the researchers that there is growing concern among psychologists that as more parents who are working entrust the responsibility for caring their infants of a very young age to day care centers, some of these babies may face harm of a psychological nature. The research findings of the researchers in this field focus on children who re less than eighteen months of age who are left in day care centers more than twenty hours a week. For children who are at that most formative age, say the researchers, day care seems to increase the feeling of insecurity. One of the foremost leading researchers in this field says that he isn't sure how the increase in the feeling of insecurity happens, but it is his guess that the stress that a child undergoes each and every day as a result of the separation from the parent can be a contributing causal factor here. …show more content…

Studies of the infants who are in day care for long periods of time each week have shown that more of these infants exhibit feelings of anxiousness challenge the older view that day care does not harm or hurt a young

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