
The Effects Of Birth Control On Health Care

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By allowing women to maintain their right to have free access to birth control, it not only prevents unwanted pregnancies but it also protects women who suffer from reproductive issues, by lessening the side effects of their conditions. If that right were to be revoked or taken away, it would put reproductive health care system back into the dark ages. Maintaining the right to have free access to birth control and other reproductive health services protects not only ourselves, but future generations from the pain and heartache that happens because of lack of preventative and emergency reproductive services.
Under the Affordable Care Act, accessing birth control has been more achievable than what it once was; it required that all insurance companies provide preventative measures at no cost, as well as cover other preventative services. Despite a possible looming change on the political spectrum in the near future, the probability that birth control will become less accessible seems rather unlikely. Even if changes do occur during the Trump Administration, many insurance providers would still provide it for no additional cost. Margot Sanger-Katz author of the article “No, Access to Free Birth Control Won’t Be Lost, at Least…” provides some insight as to why insurance companies would want to keep providing birth control at no cost to the customer:
[t]here 's a financial incentive for covering birth control, and insurance companies know it. Unlike most preventive health

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