In this research, an experimental study will be conducted to ascertain the effect of cooperative learning on academic performance of college students in Saudi Arabia. Here, a quantitative research approach will be adopted to put a comprehensive investigation pertaining to the effect of cooperative learning on academic performance of college students in Saudi Arabia through a variety of sources of information. In order to establish a conceptual phenomenon relevant to the effect of cooperative learning setting, an experimental research design will be conducted. Primarily, this will enable the researcher to expose and validate all the principles governing cooperative learning among Saudi Arabia students along with their effect on the academic performance of these students. In addition to the quantitative methods of research the researcher will incorporate diverse qualitative forms of data collection such as pre and post test so that both pragmatic and objective results can be substantiated. Definitely, this will help in reflecting reality mathematically thereby enhancing the validity of study results. Therefore, this part of this writing covers a number of methodologies that will be adopted in the research.
Research Philosophy The philosophy behind the choice of adopting a quantitative research approach in the proposed study is logical positivism wherein the research will not be confined within just one parameter, but will consider diverse
Research, no matter what field, is often conducted and analysed in accordance with two basic approaches: quantitative and qualitative. The quantitative approach aims to test a hypothesis and examine the relationship through generating numerical data or other information that is than converted into numbers, whereas the qualitative approach is more exploratory, aiming to gain a deeper understanding of the research subject. Through breaking down and examining the key features in each of these approaches it is evident that although they both begin with a problem the researcher aims to understand they fundamentally differ. The table below shows side by side comparisons, highlighting the differences that can be used to differentiate these approaches, described broadly across three main categories.
Both qualitative and quantitative research methodology will be use to investigate the hypothesis. The use of case study, questionnaire, interview and statistical analysis will be used to observe and asks questions about the views of the micro, meso and macro levels of society on my topic. Problems that could occur with these methodology is not having enough adequate data to proceed the with each analysis. Secondary research will be used to make subjective judgments about what data is useful and what is not for the motive for the research process.
The quantitative research design was used for this research. According to Vogt, W. P. (2005), quantitative research emphasizes the measurement and analysis of causal relationships between variables, not processes. Aliaga and Gunderson (2005) defines quantitative research as ‘Explaining a phenomena by collecting numerical data that are analyzed using mathematics based methods’ this approach
This write appreciates facts and data mostly, thus would choose a quantitative method of research. They are concise, the sampling size can be larger and the limitations to human subjectivity usually are less. It is believed that the accuracy of the study is greater and more
This study will use quantitative methods of research. The major advantage of using quantitative research design is that it is an exceptional method for making conclusions and agreeing or disagreeing to any
The purpose of this paper is to critique a quantitative study and to present a critical analysis on its research findings. The paper will discuss the elements influencing believability and robustness of research, including writing style, research problem, literature review, conceptual framework, research question, hypothesis, study sample, methods, data analysis and results, and discussion of the relevance and future directions.
The quantitative research is built on a numerical measurement of specific characteristics relation to a phenomenon. Quantitative approaches employ deductive logic, moving from the general to the specific. The tools used to carry out quantitative research tend to be surveys and questionnaires (Coombes, 2001). It is a very structured approach and is most often focused on objectivity, generalisability and reliability (Collis & Hussey, 2003). The key advantage of the quantitative approach, therefore, is that it is based on fact and reliable data that enables researchers to generalize their findings to the population from which the sample has been drawn.
This chapter covers the background and rationale, statement of the opportunity, purpose, research questions, nature of the study, definition of key terms, the significance of the study, assumptions, and limitations. It also covers the scope, worldview and theoretical foundation depicting the logical path of the research study.
Both qualitative and quantitative data analysis approaches will be used in this research. Quantitative data analysis will be used to analyze the numerical data whereas qualitative data analysis will be used to analyze trends and relationships between the data and views of the participants obtained from the interviews and the questionnaires.
This research identified the application of collaborative learning strategies as well as highlighted the area of the application of collaborative learning. Collaborative learning is a process in which two or more students work together. Collaborative strategies can be used in planning, translating and reviewing the distance education process to have a better product. This source will be useful in my research to help explain how collaborative learning strategies in the classroom will help students in the learning process improve by interaction, how positive interdependence of collaborative learning leads to common responsibility, how collaborative learning builds students’ self-esteem and confidence in students.
A study conducted by Asikainen, Parpala, Virtanen, & Lindblom-Ylänne (2013) focused on a student’s approach to learning in connection with their academic achievement. They found that students, who approached learning with motivation and interest in increasing their knowledge, were academically successful in their course when given understanding-based exams. Not only is motivation and interest a factor in academic achievement, but Billings (1994) conducted a study that focused on a student’s learning style preference, whether individual or group study, and its impact on their attitude and academic achievement. Their research found that the students who participated in study groups were more comfortable with the computer instruction methods than those who studied independently. The findings suggest that peer interaction supports the students when
Social researchers that follow a positive approach choose quantitative methods of research, structured questionnaires, statistics, numerical data and surveys as these methods are reliable and accurate. ( ) These researchers believe that social actions and behaviour of individuals are shaped by the society.
The proposed research is based on a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. Qualitative research involves iterative, logical and exploratory process that gathers the views of participants with the objective of analysing the facts that relate to the study. On the other hand quantitative methods comprise of deductive ways of studying the data collected (Bryman, 2004 cited in Heath and Tyna, 2010; pg 10).
Abstract .- The learning process can occur because of the interaction between the individuals and the learning environment autonomously or intentionally designed. T. A. I. is essentially a cooperative learning model that divides learners heterogeneously, while snowball throwing models is a cooperative learning type which is designed like a throwing ball game. This method aims to provoke creativity in creating the problem as well as testing the mastery of material submitted by the group leader. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) and Snowball Throwing Cooperative Learning Model on fourth semester Biology students’ entomology learning outcomes at FKIP Mulawarman University in Academic Year 2015/2016. The sample of this study is taken by purposive sampling. The number of 62 students who are from class A and C, where class A is chosen as an experimental class and class C is chosen as the control class. By using statistical tests show that sig (2-tailed) of 0.043 < 0.05 so that it can be seen that there are significant the effect of Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) and snowball
The term research philosophy refers to a system of beliefs and assumptions about the development of knowledge. These assumptions concern human knowledge, what constitutes acceptable, valid and legitimate knowledge (Epistemological assumptions), the nature of reality (Ontological assumptions) and the role of values and ethics within the research process that is the extent influence shapes personal values (Axiological assumptions) and ultimately influence the understanding of the research questions (Saunders, Lewis, & Thornhill, 2016). A well thought out and consistent set of assumptions will constitute a credible research philosophy, which will underpin the methodological choice, research strategy and data collection techniques and analysis procedures (Saunders, Lewis, &